It was a bad move to release the birth certificate today. It's never really been about whether or not Mr. Obama meets this particular constitutional requirement to hold the job he does. It's always been about finding creative ways to avoid using the word "nigger".
Faux News' immediate headline was "The White House releases what it claims to be the long form birth certificate." Orly Taitz (who isn't qualified to hold the job for the same reason) is claiming that he has a false social security number. Donald Trump is saying that "he wants to verify the information" and now wants his college transcripts released (you first, asshole). The World Daily News, the fishmonger who claims to be a newspaper, started by saying that this only answers one question about whether or not he is eligible - and not the countless others. One columnist who works there has already written a book that claims that Obama is the child of another couple taken in by his grandparents, and has already said that this changes nothing. Phil Berg - one of the original people to file a lawsuit, now says that he gave up his citizenship and is Indonesian. Others are claiming it is a forgery. Jonah Goldberg has gone so far as to claim that it was held on to for so long without being release in order to stir up the crazy and then sucker-punch his opponents into a guilt-by-association problem.
There's a line in "Total Recall" (the version with Arnold Governator) where the big conspiracy gets finally revealed by Ronny Cox (who played the villain) and Arnold's character is so dumbfounded by it that he proclaims it to be the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard. "It's too perfect," he says. Cox gets the best line in the movie in his response, "Perfect? I amazed it worked!" He then goes on to explain everything that went wrong, which has made up the brunt of the movie thus far. The point is, dude, that you couldn't plan out something like this.
I firmly believe in the President's efforts to defeat the stupid. But this isn't about stupid. It's about people not wanting a black man to be President. There is a base belief in this country that a black man should have to put up with a certain level of humiliation in order to be perceived as a success by the white man. John McCain wasn't even born in the U.S. and he didn't have to put up with this bullshit.
Okay you fucknuts, here it is. To be President one must be a "Natural Born Citizen". Check. The man was born in Hawaii, the son of an American Citizen. Nothing takes that away. Ever. If a child becomes a citizen of another land while still under the age of 18 they are hold citizenship in both places, by law. At age 18 the U.S. makes one choose. No choice had to be made in this case because there wasn't one to make. He is a U.S. Citizen. Also, to be President, one must be over the age of 35. Check.
There are no other requirements, except to maybe have a pulse.
The issue is a distraction, but it's not one that should have been engaged. It's taking the fight to their field and there is no way to win against people who will cheat and lie on every play. It's not going to go away with this. It's going to get worse. You gave in to a group of bullies Mr. President, and you should never do that.
It was a good press conference though. I do wish, however, that instead of the word "silliness" you had used the word "bullshit."
Cheap shots:
As always, Jon Stewart rocks.
Maybe she thinks it should say "nigger".
So pay up you sanctimonious prick.
This is the shortest analysis of modern journalism I have ever seen. It is also the most accurate.
You need to make this a daily stop in your internet travels.
Hey there Bitch™, at least she made it to the end of her commitment to the people who put her there.
Sometimes I wonder if we're shuffling a regulation deck and an UNO deck at the same time.
Every parent on the planet should be issued a copy of this book.
Face it dude, the receipts went down as you expanded the number of theaters. In other words, it dissipated.
by the way, the Supreme Court is narrowly now a Republican rubber stamp.
And because I love you, Nickel Creek
By the way, it's been 115 days since the Republicants took over the House of Representatives, running on a platform of job creation. You can count the number of job bills they've introduced - let alone debated - on one finger. If you add 1.