So I live-blogged the State of the Union address on a social media site (not twitter - I am @animeraider just about everywhere). Here is what I said, post for post. Kristen Sinema's shoulder pads will require an extra seat in the room.
Oh hey, look at Kevin trying to look important by standing in the center of the upper stage and pointing out that he's tall.
How long can Kevin sustain that golf clap?
Ooh, Biden snubbed the Space Canary!
The White House Photographer is masked. That is all. (So was Bernie)
Is that Bono sitting in front of the 2nd Gentleman? (Yep)
Nancy is my Congress Critter. I clapped.
Biden does NOT like to wait for the applause to finish before speaking again. Common trait for someone with a stutter. This is something I know.
Don't fall asleep there Kevin.
Holy carp how many pages is that speech in the folder in front of Biden?
Lots of White Guys know how to golf clap.
Holy moly there Kevin! Did you smoke the whole joint?
Muttering: Dear lord he smoked the whole joint.
(10 points if you know the movie I'm quoting)Biden throws some shade, and it lands.
Another blogger just pointed out. This is the first speech of the re-election campaign.
The "Buy American" is a big deal when it comes to steel.
Apparently there has been an outbreak of Diabetes among members of Congress.
Oops, the Republicans don't clap reducing the Deficit.
"Good luck in your Senior Year."
I laughed.
Another blogger said, "What those "1870" pins are about: the first police killing of a free black man in the US: Henry Truman, killed March 31, 1870, by a police officer later convicted of manslaughter. "
If I were a billionaire I would be happy to pay more taxes than a school teacher.
I would be happy to pay more taxes than 100 school teachers.
Biden scolds the hostage holders. Then he spanks them. Then he calls them liars. Then he calls out hecklers.
Somebody give him some boxing gloves.
By the way, has MTG yet said how may baby seals she killed to get the collar of that coat.?
Dark Brandon introduces Hero Brandon.
Biden puts down the hecklers by using their words and pivoting topics to what he knows will get a big applause from his supporters.
Nicely done.
While I was out of the room I'm told that Kevin shushed someone. Any idea who?
(Someone replied "Can't prove it but I am hoping it is the fur-wearing bitch MTG")Making the Republicans stand and clap by giving credit to Bush Sr.
One of many a baller move in this speech.
FYI, I'm NOT going to watch the rebuttal. I'm not very tolerant of liars.
Overall, that was one of the more fiery and progressive speeches I've seen a President give at the
Welcome to the 2024 campaign.
My last comment as I'm going to have dinner now:
That part of the speech where he spanked the Republicans over Social Security was a golden moment. I'm not going to forget that.