Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The year in review (nursing a hangover)

So what crazy shit did I say this past year?

In my first post of 2010 I advocated using torture to stop people from killing abortion doctors, using the same logic some people use to say it is a tool to fight terrorism. I called Pat Robertson false to his religion. I declared my site a Palin-free zone and mostly stuck to it. I also introduced some of you to Marginal Prophets.

In February I listed my favorite albums of all time (as of that moment), proposed that we double the federal education budget, tried to get Glenn Beck back into rehab for his obvious cocaine addiction, and forced you to listen to some John Prine.

In March I was sick for a while, pointed out to a congressman that the harassment he was feeling was nothing compared to what abortion doctors get, demonstrated my pride in my congress critter, pointed out some of the bullshit that the Republicants tried to force into the health care law, called Glenn Beck Adolph Hitler with notes, and introduced you to Hot Chip. Oh, and I coined the word "Republicant".

In April I chided Obama for talking about opening up new oil drilling, referred to the editorial board of the New York Times as juveniles, began to wonder if there would be more integrity if John McCain quit and has him mother run in his place, pointed out that many of the firms that Republicants wanted to use for privatizing Social Security went had gone under in the past year, pointed out to Erik Erickson that both sides misconstrue his words, made fun of the R's for not wanting to let Obama continue a treaty that was forged by Reagan, said goodbye to one of the last thoughtful jurists on the Supreme Court, called for revolution in West Virginia mining towns, tipped my hat to Crooks and Liars for pointing out that everything the teabaggers really want they were already getting from Obama, pointed out on the 15th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing that many right-wing columnists (including all of the most famous ones) use the same language that Timothy McVeigh did, called the legislature of Oklahoma rapists, pointed out that politics no longer calls out the best and the brightest, called the state of Arizona a bunch of racist fucks, coined the phrase "Defeat the Stupid", took on a facebook meme, and introduced you to the Marty Paich Quartet.

In May I started pointing out just how fucked the gulf of Mexico is going to be for decades to come, chided people for using the gulf disaster to compare it to Katrina, pointed out that the Dow dropped 900 points over a typo, asked what a "theoretical lesbian" could possibly be and why should we care if she winded up on the Supreme Court, laughed my ass off when Obama told Rush to go play with himself, declared a zone of "so what" when the newly single governor of South Carolina went hiking again, called everyone against Net Neutrality fucking liars, called on Los Angeles Lakers fans to boo their coach, claimed that the country wants to move left but politics doesn't, gave props to Rachael Maddow, and introduced you to The National.

In June I got sick again but got better faster as they knew what they were looking for this time, did some California Primary advocacy, pointed out that I will never apologize for the child molester remark, proved that we would never leave a country (Afghanistan) when there was gold in them thar hills, lamented the loss of being able to watch Keith Olbermann when I get home every day, pointed out that a few states actually have debtor's prisons, gave an elegy for Manute Bol, again talked about how big the oil gusher really is and how we're being lied to about it, pointed out that a lot of this is still President Drunken chimp's fault, and introduced a few of you to The Roots.

July started out with a bang and me chastising so many people that I thought the month would be over before it started, called paying taxes patriotic and called avoidance of them treasonous, Called British Petroleum a bunch of pirates, called the gun nuts hypocrites for saying that immigrants can't buy guns, gave proof that taser lead to an increase in violence, pointed out the lack of education the Republicants seem to have (at least in math skills), gave a pictorial representation of just how pathetic the oil clean-up effort was, called for the murder of Andrew Breitbart but don't take my words seriously (isn't that how Beck and Limbaugh get away with it?), told Obama that he needs to grow a pair, pointed out that BP hasn't actually paid anything yet, called the journalism industry as full of shit as Tucker Carlson, compared people who don't want a cultural center built in Manhattan to the Klan, talked about the modern-day version of ratfucking, and introduced some of you to She & Him.

August started out with me pointing out that Chelsea Clinton and Lisa Simpson got married on the same day, shocked everyone by getting behind a speech by Michael Bloomberg, gave solid argument as to why poor people should hate Republicants, applauded a judge who verified that rights are not subject to a vote, threw down an open challenge to debate any teabagger (the offer has still not been accepted), pointed out that some people - like the founder of conservapedia - should be openly ridiculed in the town square, defended Robert Gibbs and his occasional bitch slaps, gave props to Mother Jones for backing up what I had been claiming for months, waited for the freak-out that didn't materialize because Ramadan ended on 9/11, got a near record amount of hate mail for pointing out that we don't vote on religion in this country - ever, called for the jailing of the leaders of BP, celebrated my wedding anniversary, called a sizeable portion of this country racist, ended the month asking my trademark question and not giving you any music, and introduced some of you to Nick Cave.

In September I promised to donate large amounts of cash to any Democratic politician who used the following phrase, "Well you think that because you're an idiot." and there were no takers, called the governor of Arizona a welfare queen, wrongly predicted the outcome of the November elections, brought up an Iraqi reality television show, used the horrible tragedy of the gas main explosion a few miles from my home to discuss the poor state of infrastructure in this country, remembered 9/11 like it was 9 years ago, predicted the ongoing bloodbath in the Republicant party, called for a quarantine of Delaware, called for the impeachment of Antonin Scalia, commented on God's Zombie, celebrated becoming middle-aged, threw my support behind Orange to Blue, and using Duke Ellington reminded you all of why Jazz is so important.

In October I discounted and discredited the idea that public education can't be saved, suggested that the fire department of Obion County Tennessee will burn in hell, showed that the Muppets have more bravery and common sense than most people, followed every move the San Francisco Giants made, started giving you real numbers about what the US Chamber of Commerce was spending in the election, pointed out that every solution the Republicants offers involves transferring money from the government to Wall Street, called out the 4 dumbest mainstream politicians running for national office (3 of them lost), told people to vote their pocketbooks (they didn't listen), asked if many people who call themselves Christians if they were closer to God or the KKK, was one of the first people to point out that the Republicants aren't interested in doing any real work for the next 2 years, pointed out that the phrase "I'm sorry if.." means you aren't sorry at all, and introduced some of you to The Fireman.

In November I started by saying a few words about Jon Stewart's rally to restore sanity (which I went to), pointed out that the Teaparty gained nothing, decried the death of Net Neutrality, discussed the double-standard of Olbermann's suspension, wrote my annual post about Armistice Day, discussed a possible re-make of Doctor Strangelove, called austerity a lie, called Rush Limbaugh a pedophile, and introduced a few of you to MC 900 Foot Jesus.

And this month I told you of an Arizona legislator who is going to a special place in hell, and echoed the great Frank Zappa by pointing out that the meek shall inherit nothing. I also took some time off.

I also put up tons of links to people who do heavy lifting in matters of politics, entertainment, and other topics. I made fun of a lot of people, got angry at many, swore a lot and probably corrupted a few of your livers with the cheap shots game. I apologize for nothing - not even the stuff I was wrong about. I meant it at the time. You can see it all and point and laugh derisively by going to http://www.whatthefuckiswrongwithyou.org/.

I'm going to take the rest of the year off to focus on some things in my personal life that are long overdue, and then come back at you strong in 2011. There will be some changes made here at what the fuck is wrong with you dot org, also long overdue, and I'm looking forward to the changes. See ya next year!

Oh, and a final cheap shot:

Elton John now has a son. His name is Levon and he was born on Christmas day. So because I love you we MUST finish out the year with an appropriate tribute:

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