Tuesday, April 6, 2021


 Back in early July of 2020 Orange Cheeto McFuckstain ordered the CDC to stop publishing data about the infection and death rate from Covid-19. Fortunately, other people were keeping track and I started doing the same. From that moment forward I can tell you the statistics of nearly every day - because I've kept track.

For example, on September 23rd (my birthday) there were 45,176 new infections in the U.S. There were 885 deaths. On November 6th there were 132,797 new infections and 1,223 deaths. I can go on and on.

The point I'm trying to make here is that I have the statistics - I can bring the receipts. This whole talk about us heading into a 4th wave is HORSESHIT.

The first wave never abated. Our infection rates started to surpass the rest of the world in May of 2020, and they climbed steadily and horrifically until February of 2021, when we experienced our first sharp decline. During the entire #45 Stupidity, the cases and deaths never dropped even once.

In fact, the first drop in cases coincides with the horrific winter storms the United States experienced in January and February. We didn't do better, we were forcibly separated by mother nature. By the time that was over, we had a reliable network of vaccines finally getting going, thanks to Biden taking his predecessor's ineffective and floundering ideas and throwing them into the trash and starting over.

We just got out of the SECOND WAVE. The first wave is still here, having flooded us and changed sea level for the foreseeable future. So why is it still here? Why is the infection and death rate now the same as it was on my birthday?

It's the work of the previous administration. Biden and his team have done an amazing job of setting things back to a much better level, but the previous administrations policies and words are still having an effect on people, who believed in him and the words of his political enablers and followers. States are opening up too soon, and infection and death rates are highest in those locations where they treat the words of a lying sack of shit as gospel.

Texas. Florida. Nebrahoma. Folks, you can't enjoy those personal liberties of yours if you're dead.

The waves aren't made of the virus. They're made out of stupidity and the first wave is still here, strong as ever and buffeting everyone around. Some people are going to drown.

While we're waiting for that to happen and because I love you, Enjoy some Scary Pockets:

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