Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Project 2025 will kill you. Yes, you. Sections 11-15 (of 30)

So I've been reading Project 2025 so you don't have to, and I'm going to report on everything I find that is alarming, which is a lot. Part One can be found here. Part Two can be found here.

Section 11 - Department of Education

"Federal education policy should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Department of Education should be eliminated."

That's the first sentence in this whole section. I think that pretty much says it all.

All student loans and grants are to be moved to the private sector. Move education for military families to the Defense Department and for Washington D.C. to Congress. I imagine that also applies to protectorates like Guam and Puerto Rico but the document actually doesn't say.

Put all education funding under State Control. You should really ask a child living in Florida how that's working out. Reject Gender Identity and Racial studies. Eliminate executive orders in education. I remind you that integration was done by executive order.

Transfer all Native American education to the Bureau for Indian Affairs. Transfer all adult education programs to the Department of Labor. Privatize Student Aid.

Move all civil rights enforcement to the Department of Justice. Transfer all civil service employees to other agencies. Eliminate the understanding that Trans people even exist.

Eliminate any privacy regulations used to protect students from any form of abuse. Rescind all regulations in Equity in IDEA.

Eliminate all food programs for students. All of them.

Phase out income-based student loan repayment programs. Rescind all funding for the National Education Association. Consider "Critical Race Theory" to be racism. 

Here's a crazy one that takes paragraphs to unravel: Allow parents of children over the age of 18 to sue to recover any monies spent on their education. Also, allow families to "opt out" of the education system entirely and for those that do give as a tax break the funding that would have been used to educate that child directly to the parents.

Allow states to opt out of any and all federal education programs. Eliminate Parent PLUS loans. 

There is page after page of basically "end anything Obama or Biden did", but eventually it all boils down to that first sentence. Eliminate the Department of Education.

Section 12 - Department of Energy (and related commissions)

You would expect this whole document to be drill baby drill but in fact it starts with the repeal and elimination of the Biden Administration's Infrastructure Act - the single largest jobs creation bill in the last 75 years. That's followed with not only a dependence upon oil and natural gas but a declaration that the U.S. needs to be the best in the world in Science. Great for a country trying to eliminate the Department of Education.

Eliminate the office of Clean Energy, and the office of Grid Deployment. Yep, they don't want the government looking at the power grid. 

Not only increase a reliance ("dominance") in oil and gas but nuclear power as well. 

Lots of paragraphs on focusing on science, which again - see the section on the Department of Education. Lots of contradictions here. Increase the level of private sector disposal of nuclear waste. What could possibly go wrong?

Fund a rebuilding of the country's nuclear arsenal. New warheads and testing. Eliminate Carbon Capture programs and Carbon offsets. Pursue much more coal, including coal waste as fuel. Increase fossil fuels. 

End the government's focus on green energy and renewables. Eliminate efficiency standards for appliances. In fact, they put this paragraph in the document twice on consecutive pages. 

"End Grid planning and focus instead on reliability." I shit you not, that's a whole topic in here. Say goodbye to grid upgrades and hello to more Texas-style outages. They then spend several pages repeating everything I've already told you about. 

Eliminate the Department of Energy's ability to make loans. Eliminate the Advanced Research Projects Agency. Looks like that better battery for your Tesla is going to have to wait.

Eliminate the Clean Energy Corps. Privatize the Energy Information Administration. Stop all funding for "climate reparations" - i.e. paying for the damage caused by oil production in underdeveloped nations.

Drill in Alaska (of course). Claim the Arctic Circle for the same purpose. Take an "America First" approach at the Office of Technology. 

Accelerate cleanup of all "Superfund" sites (except for Hanford in Washington State - which is where the U.S. government has stored Plutonium Waste for many years) with a goal of completing all work by 2035. That sounds good on the surface but in most of these sites there is a reason that it needs to go slow: fast work actually makes the contamination WORSE and spreads it further. Eliminate some regulations specific to the Hanford site.

Get all active Nuclear Waste stored at Yucca Mountain already.

As long as we're talking about nuclear stuff again, let's make more nukes. Abandon the Test Ban Treaty. Divest certain programs at Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore to refocus on nuclear energy and weaponry. Several pages are spent rehashing the need to get rid of renewables

Refocus transmission of electrical to the state level. I mean, why can't we all be Texas? Eliminate all questions about oil and gas pipelines to only consider the need for the fuels, not environmental or any other concerns. 

Eliminate the guidance of "as low as reasonably possible" for nuclear exposure when considering renewing the licensing for existing nuclear power plants or building new ones. 

Fuck, this was a nightmare to get through. but guess what's next?

Section 13 - Environmental Protection Agency

This whole section was written by Mandy M. Gunasekara, a former Chief of Staff at the EPA under the Trump Administration who in 2023 was kicked off the ballot in Mississippi when she ran for Public Service Commissioner - because she didn't live there.

Let's start that in the mission statement that it blames the lead poisoning crisis in Flint Michigan on The Obama Administration, which is so obviously incorrect that it boggle belief. It also states that every expansion of the EPA since 1972 is unnecessary.

Eliminate the Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights. Eliminate the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assistance. Eliminate the Office of Public Engagement and Environmental Education. "Relocate" the Office of Children’s Health Protection and the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization - although the document does say where to relocate these agencies to.

Review the grants program to ensure that taxpayer funds go to organizations focused on tangible environmental improvements free from political affiliation (there are no such groups). 

This document goes on for more than 30 pages and makes the same faulty assumptions and rewrites historical data so often that it should be considered a work of fiction. But the key thing is unchanged: That everything that the EPA has done in terms of rulings and regulations since 1972 should be repealed.

Where I grew up you could see the air in 1972. It was grey. That's what they want to go back to.

Section 14 - Department of Heath and Human Services

This whole section was written by The Heritage Foundation. In the first two sentences it proclaims the COVID-19 Pandemic as over (which it isn't) and that life expectancy has decreased since the end of the Pandemic - which we do not yet know as the timing is too recent for statistical analysis. It's a lie.

No more abortions. Ever.

Prioritize families over everyone else. By the way, that's "traditional" families. Mother, father, children, church.

Remove the ability to declare emergencies and provide guidelines for outbreaks of diseases that contradict the political agenda of the administration. Move the recommendations of the CDC on how to treat anything into a separate political agency.  The entire document assumes that the CDC is faulty and corrupt, and not that the people using the CDC to make policy are. This is also a lie.

Remove Generic drugs from Medicaid. Make Abortion pills a controlled substance, with the ultimate goal of making them illegal at the same degree as Meth and Cocaine.

Eliminate chickenpox, Hepatitis, and MMR vaccines that originate from studies and science from fetal tissue. That's all of them, by the way. Also, eliminate vaccine mandates of any kind - you know, the type that for a while eliminated chicken pox, small pox, the mumps, measles and so on and could have been used to eliminate COVID. I notice that all of these are on the rise in the US. Even motherfucking POLIO is back.

Eliminate all research that uses science from Fetal Tissue. Eliminate all science funding and research that involves the fluidity of human sexuality. There are men and there are women and they are born that way. Period.

Several paragraphs are about "Woke" policies, and they encourage an end to diversity in conferences and studies.

When it gets to the Medicare section there is paragraph after paragraph about the bureaucracy of Medicare and how much time doctors have to spend on paperwork. This is a common fallacy that has been around for decades - yes, there is paperwork and there is a lot of it, but it's still LESS PAPERWORK THAN REQUIRED BY PRIVATE INSURERS. 

The truth is that bureaucratic waste in Medicaid is about 2%, where in the private industry it varies from 5% to 10%.

Eliminate the ability to negotiate drug prices under Medicare. 

As for Medicaid, paragraph after paragraph is dedicated to the elimination of problems that don't actually exist, plus adding work requirements to eligibility and actually taking away from states the ability to make programs flexible - which seems like an oxymoron until you realize that most waivers for various programs under Medicaid are for Democratic Party controlled states that are allowed to use these funds to treat the LGBTAI+ community and allow for abortion access.

Under the Affordable Care Act there is an awful lot of focus on redesigning medical care into a Concierge Medicine approach, which most people would not be able to afford. The document calls this stronger health care (true) and more affordable (patently false). It would also eliminate all of the cost controls in the system. There is no language saying that they want to eliminate the ACA, but they certainly would render it useless.

Prohibit travel for Abortion care.

Defund Planned Parenthood, which as I like to tell people is NOT a chain of abortion clinics but is a chain of Doctor's Offices with an emphasis on women's care. Withdraw Medicaid funds from any state where abortion is legal.

Deny gender affirming care for anyone with Medicaid or Medicare. Again, men and women are the only two genders and they are determined at birth.

Rescind all COVID-19 Mask and Vaccination guidelines, and pay damages to anyone displaced (i.e. fired) for not following those guidelines.

Institute work requirements for all recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. Most of the verbiage about the prevention of teenage pregnancies is to deter things that aren't happening. Adoptions should be funneled through religious organizations. Crazily enough, the document in the same paragraph also acknowledges that there are 4 times more children awaiting adoption than people who want them, although I believe the actual ratio is closer to 7 to 1.

Move the office of Refugee Settlement to the Department of Homeland Security. Looking back at that document, there is no indication that DHS actually wants this.

Allows for parents who do not have custody of their children to receive a child-tax credit anyway. It actually specifically calls out that it wants the ability to allow deadbeat dads to take the tax credit.

Encourage bad marriages to stay together as a requirement of government assistance. Allow faith-based organizations who distribute this aid to discriminate as they see fit. Implement a national campaign that is pro-father propaganda. You know, to keep marriages together. Think of the poor men.

Eliminate Head Start.

Criminalized Physician assisted suicide, which is legal in 10 states according to this document. Remove requirements that telemedicine be local to the patient. I should point out that this would eliminate the ability to recommend hospitalizations, as these doctors wouldn't have admitting privileges where the patients actually are.

Allow hospitals, doctors and physicians to not provide abortion related care of any kind because of religious beliefs, even in states where it is legal and protected.

No more funding for condoms. No more funding for "Morning-after" pills (which they call "the week after pills" in this section). Withdraw all support for gender affirming/transitioning guidance. 

Stop teaching the medical procedures used in abortion care. I repeat, hinder the educational skills of every doctor in America.

The entire section on Indian Health Care (and why can't they ever use the phrase "Native Americans"?) is full of lies and I won't dignify them. 

Sunset all HHS regulations, which Trump tried last time around.

More bullshit about violations of human rights that never happened (mostly involving twitter and Facebook). They don't want the department to push back against lies on social media.

More verbiage that the administration needs to be Pro-Life and anti-Trans care. This is like the fifth or sixth time in this document so far, making it one of the longer ones I've gone through. This is followed by a series of paragraphs that are mostly lies about the COVID Pandemic, complaining about things that never happened.

It's full of lies.

Restrict and/or rescind funding to any country that supports abortion care. Prohibit overseas personnel from providing care that is in contradiction with administration policy. That's right, overseas care is now a political decision.

The entire rest of the document - several pages - is about how the only civil rights violation in health care is that providers of care of certain religions are not allowed to discriminate in their health care decisions, and that such discrimination should be allowed.

To summarize: No abortions, no gender affirming care, no contraceptives, stay in abusive marriages, no good health care for poor people, let churches discriminate, and lie every third sentence (or more often).

Section 15 - Department Housing and Urban Development

Woohoo! This section was written by Dr. Ben Carson! This of course means it's the shortest section in the whole damn thing, clocking in at all of 14 pages, 4 of which are footnotes.

Also, unlike previous chapters, the first 4 pages are only about what the department does who what the department posts and responsibilities are, and has no policy directives save for the basic concept that the department needs an overhaul.

Replace all career officers with political appointees. Issue an executive order making the HUD Secretary a member of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S, to counter the Chinese threat that they are buying to much real estate in the U.S. Seems highly reminiscent of the same language used against Japan in the 1980's.

Reverse all protections for LGBTQIA+ persons implemented under the Biden Administration. Reverse all property appraisals done under the Biden Administration, because you know they did them all wrong. Eliminate any programs that have any mention of Climate Change. Eliminate the use of special-purpose credit authorities. Eliminate the new Housing Supply Fund.

Non-citizens, even those households who are comprised of both citizens and non-citizens, are to be denied housing assistance. Anyone with mental issues or drug assistance issues need to be treated before considered for housing. 

"Statutorily restricting eligibility for first-time homebuyers." That's the EXACT wording.

Finally, create an office of CFO for the department, who will do most of the work. Not bad for the laziest cabinet secretary in all history.

14 pages, only 6 of which are policy, all of which is designed to not actually do anything.

Next posting will cover the Department of the Interior, the Department of Justice, Department of Labor, Department of Transportation, and the  Department of Veteran Affairs.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Radio Free California Episode 2431, radio station notes, cheap shots and more!


Great big list of new music for this week, including The Buoys, Tuk Smith & The Restless Hearts, Humanist with Dave Gahan, Kat Robachaud, BBBL, Smack Champion, Vulfmon, Cory Wong, MOULE, Primal Scream, Bloc Party, Bedroom Tax and so much more. Enjoy!


I knew I was going to have a tough choice ahead of me this week. Cory Wong with the Metrepole Orkest dropped their full album this past week, and the new Vulfmon album also finally dropped. The new album from Humanist is also really good, with a couple of very surprising guest vocalists. But then I grabbed the new album by The Buoys called "Lustre" and I was shocked at just how damned good this album is. It blew away every other band I was considering.

They describe themselves as "Combine a fizzled out tinder date, a Gumtree ad and a million mutual friends" but that tells you nothing about the songcraft and playing chops of these four women from Sydney Australia. They're starting to break big and I highly recommend getting on board now so that you can say "I was a fan beforfe everyone was". We will play "Lustre" on the Album Show this week in it's entirety, and I've added 4 songs from the album to the regular rotation - and the video for their current single can be found below.

The Album Show will plays on Thursdays at 9am and 9pm Pacific Standard Time.

RFC 2431

For those of you who stay away from Spotify the current week's additions will be played on Wednesdays. This is a change from prior programming: what we're going to do going forward is just play the music added this week only. Every other day will be the usual rotation, but we set aside Wednesdays for just the new additions for the week. This week that's 56 songs (a record for one week!) which we will play in the same order that they're in on the Spotify playlist of the same name up at the top of this post. So if you tune in at just about any time on Wednesday you will hear the whole playlist.

10 at 10

One last programming note: Every Saturday at 10pm and again on Sunday at 10am and 10pm we will feature our show "10 at 10", where we play 10 (and sometimes 11 or even 12!) songs from a year we pick at random. Again, all times are PST. Last week I played a group of songs from 1987, and this week will be from this century instead..

As always, you can go to to listen to the station, and there is an imbed below. And did you know the station is available as an app? It's only for Google Play (sorry iphone users - Apples terms and conditions were too restrictive for me) but you can listen on your phone at your convenience too.

Cheap Shots:

"Family Values" says the unmarried man with no children and rumors about his sexuality.

White Dudes for Harris. Hell, I signed up.

Stuff like this has always made me wonder why the Republicants think this country backs Biden.

Nice OpEd. Now can we do more?

Still blaming things on Obama? Jeez lady, cut down on the boxed wine.

The most famous version of Hannibal Lector finally responds.

I don't mean to kink-shame, but wowza.

I know you want there to be deliberation in this but you have to remember that we got Mike Pence as VP because Reince Preibus got a plane to delay it's takeoff by two hours.

Sometimes it is about just showing up.

And because I love you, here is the video for the song "Ahead of Myself" by The Buoys:

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Project 2025 will kill you. Yes, you. Sections 6-10 (of 30)

So I've been reading Project 2025 so you don't have to, and I'm going to report on everything I find that is alarming, which is a lot. Part One can be found here.

Section 6 - State Department

First of all they want from day one to have all political appointments start their jobs before they are confirmed. The confirmation process exists for a reason.- to investigate and vett the people filling the positions. Vetting would be bypassed. Only if rejected by the Senate would anyone not get the job. Also, they would place political appointees in positions that do not require Senate confirmation. No one in a leadership position on the morning of January 20 would hold that position at the end of the day.This means zero transition/training. 

There is a whole section entitled "Reboot Ambassadors Worldwide". Again, this would mean no transition period and no people holding offices as placeholders. That happened during the last Trump administration and it was a disaster.

Order an immediate freeze on all efforts to implement unratified treaties and international agreements. Realign the entirety of the State Department to implement the administration policies, not review them. Defer (the exact phrase is "radio silent") to the White House when it wants to take the lead on specific issues. You should really see the part of the last couple of episodes of The West Wing when Santos offers the Secretary of State job to Vinick. The arguments against this approach are striking and well thought out.

Put The State Department on WAR FOOTING when it comes to China. Strictly enforce the doctrine of reciprocity when issuing visas to all foreign nationals - they want to travel here? We have to be allowed to travel there on the same terms. Or we adjust to the terms you use. Suspend the issuance of visas to individuals from any country that does not take back persons expelled from the U.S. Reimplementation of the Remain in Mexico policy. 

Realign the student visa program to align with specific national security interests.

China, along with Iran and Venezuela, are to be considered enemies. Ukraine is to be considered a corrupt regime and only defensive military support should be given. It does acknowledge that Russia's invasion is unlawful, which is the only bright spot in the whole document.

Denuclearize North Korea with direct engagement. Negotiations in person.

Project 2025 declares Mexico as run by Drug Cartels and not any form of Mexican Government, and that a new government must be propped up/established. In the previous posting of this series I talked about the military plan to invade Mexico. I see that supported here.

Exert our influence over South America.

As for the Middle East, despite how it reads Project 2025 is pretty much the same policies that the last 15 Administrations have had: Protect Israel and allow them to protect themselves, deter Iran by any mean necessary, build up friendships with countries that have oil. The document states that this is not what Biden is doing, but in fact it is. He's not quite a blatant about bowing to the Princes and Kings as Trump is, but it still winds up being the same policies.

Leave funding in Africa to the free market. Accept the split of Somalia into two countries (I admit my personal knowledge is weak in this area). Eliminate Boko Haram and similar groups. Stay out of the way when African countries implement laws against the LGBTQAI+ community (this involves a lot of killing) and do not tie aid to policies regarding them or abortion policies. 

Intensify trade with EU countries, but at the same time implement policies that prevent the UK for re-entering the EU.

Greater cooperation with India and accept that Pakistan has issues (Taliban related) that are impossible to overcome. 

Here's a big one: Make the United States' continued participation in NATO reliant upon NATO recognizing that the Arctic Circle is part of the area it must defend. Insist upon open a free-trade routes through the Arctic region, defend from Chinese and Russian Aggression, and run the mission from the Embassy in Nuuk, Greenland. 

Another big set: Withdraw from, or terminated funding for, the United Nations Human Rights Council, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, and the WHO. Doing only a small amount of that last one under Trump the first time around is what led to COVID. Eliminate Human Rights as a litmus test for what international organizations we fund. Make certain that any funds do not go to groups that fund abortion or any non-"family oriented" goals. 

Come up with a Cyber-space version of "Voice of America". That one's kinda vague, but it's there.

Section 7 - Intelligence Community

I've read this entire section and the most that I can tell you about it is that it's the same horseshit as all the previous secgtions. Make certain posts not require Senate Confirmation, Stop all intelligence missions by the previous administration within 60 days, and reign in a ton of stuff that isn't actually happening but did happen under the previous Trump Administration.

The President directs who gets the daily briefings, and how narrow their focus must be. If he says ignore a situation, it must be ignored. It also demands the immediate use of etechnologies that don't yet exist, like 6G and Quantum cryptography.

And oh yes, more spy satellites. Lots more.

Section 8 - Media Agencies

Turn Voice of America into Fox News or worse. Reinforce the Office of Cuba Propoganda. Turn the MIddle East Broadcast Network into Fox News. Same for Radio Free Europe and Radio Free Asia. Shut down the Open Technology Fund.

Put up a censorship "firewall":on all stories generated through the United States Agency for Global Media. In other words, turn it into a political mouthpiece. Cut it's budget by nearly 20%. Restrict access visas for foriegn journalists. Reinvestment in short-wave radio. You know, the ham radios militias use.

Take away the journalistic independence of all agencies and put them under the perview of the NSA and the State Department.

One more thing. Eliminate the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Reduce its budget to zero.

Section 9 - Agency for International Development

This is the part of government that oversees international aid. When we send money to help disaster victims anywhere in the world, this is where it comes from. FEMA is for the US, but the AID (also known as the DFA - Directorate of Foriegn Aid) is for the rest of the world. It is meant to be non-partisan and to help those who need it on an as-needed basis.This is also where the country invests in business all over the world.

Changes here would eliminate all consideration of climate change when investing in other countries. Africa runs on 80% coal and it should stay that way. Any diversity issues are to be ignored. Any civil rights issues should be ignored. Re-emphasis on families at the expense of other agendas, especially those founded on specific religious principles that many people in this country would consider racist, sexist, misogynist, and anti-LGBTQA+.

No funding is to go to any agency that in any way whatsoever supports a pro-abortion agenda, even if they don't offer the service themselves. The Helms amendment is to be expanded to cover all foriegn aid. Specifically promote their own specific religious agenda. 

The office of the head of disbursements is to become a political appointment. Ignore grift by AIDs disbursement organizations in Africa. Focus on family-oriented aid instead of specific disease focused aid. Privatize health care aid in Africa. Take over the World Health Organization.

Tie humanitarian aid to any and all countries to the political agenda of the conservative administration. Farm out aid management to private organizations. Focus aid to countries that allow more American Businesses to establish footholds in their countries. Focus aid on undermining China's influence in southeast Asia. 

The Trump administration took the position that it "solved" the issue of Isreal and that thinking would return. The primary focus would become Iran. Use programs already established by (American) churches in the region to funnel aid through them. 

As for South America, lots of language about free markets and so on, but mostly it's all a disguise for "Fuck Venuzuela". 

The ultimate focus of all of this is to turn all international aid and investment into a political arm and an economic truncheon for the policies of the administration. Some fo that already does happen, but this would become the overriding and only guiding policy to be followed.

There is one thing I find funny in all of this section - it's a specific call out that Japan has invested $30 Billion in Africa in an effort to counter China. That's actually only kind of true. That $30 Billion is for a single project - a high speed rail in Saudi Arabia. Face it, Japan does this better than anyone.

Section 10 - Department of Agriculture

First off, eliminate any consideration of climate change issues in any and all policies within the DofA. Craft a new mission statement that focuses on the "removal of barriers" in terms of delivering food to the public. We're talking about safety regulations.

I know that regulations can be a pain to deal with. But take a look at ANY food regulation. Any of them. The reason it exists is because of a reaction to some people DYING. Policies up through thr Trump administration have all been a reaction to somethning terrible happening. After a few years people forget this happened and Republicans want that regulation gone.

The regulation always returns after people die again.

Defund any and all efforts to push sustainable agriculture (which is the reason people spend less of their income on food, by the way). Eliminate regulations that can have any impact on the cost of food. That's just about every regulation from pesticide levels to wages to working conditions to how much cockroach is allowed in your twinkee. 

The Commodity Credit Corporation is to be used only for farmers and ranchers. During COVID discretionary funds were used to stockpile various foods, which kept people from starving when various food production operations stopped. The ability to do this would be eliminated.

Repeal many of the farm subsudy programs that currently exist. Some of those are the only things that keep small farmers afloat in hard times. Reduce the amount that taxpayers pay in these programs by 20%. That burden would shift to farmers. 

Implement work requirements for Food Stamp and "Snap" aid recipients. Put in requirements for lunches and breakfasts for children in school that would eliminate about 50% of all children currently on the program. Also, move all of this to the Department of Health and Human Services and out of the DofA.

Eliminate funding for leaving land fallow for crop rotation purposes. I guess these people don't actually know farming. Hell, even I know this one and I'm a city kid. Allow farming and ranching in wetlands and federally protected lands. Eliminate Federal food inspections for foods sold accross state lines. 

Eliminatge all "checkoff" programs, which are meant to promote certain food industries and restrict monopolies by large corporations on specific commodities. This is meant to squeeze the small farmer out of business in favor of corporate farming.

Eliminate funding for trade promotion for foodstuffs to other countries. I find this one quite strange and very un-Republican. I don't understand it.

Promote an increase in Genetically Modified Foods. Repeal the federal mandate that genetically modified foods must be labelled. Promote Bioengineering of food as a policy.

Eliminate the funding of Dietary Guidelines. This includes the recommended calorie amounts per day, the food pyramid and even the "four food groups" I had as a kid. These things will no longer be taught.

The Forest Service is under the Agriture Department. Right at the top of the list for this department is increased logging anf forest harvesting to prevent forest fires. In fact that's the only thing they discuss in the document. The solution to forrest fires is to have less forrest. 

Next posting will cover the Department of Education, The Department of Energy, The Environmental Protection Agency, The Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Radio Free California Episode 2430


A simpler week for new music this week including new music from The Linda Lindas, Fear 2 Stop, Footballhead, Fontaines D.C., Dutch Criminal Record, Rubi Ate the Fig, Childish Gambino, GRMLN, Joe Bonamassa with Train,  POM, Fastball, Cory Wong with the Metropole Orchestra and much more. Enjoy!


Fastball is a Three piece band with a huge hit from 1998 called "The Way" and while they've never gone away they haven't had the big hits since. That said, they do have a new album out and we're going to feature it this week.

There were a lot of singles released last week, and even a couple of EPs. When Footballhead finally drops their album I will play it on the station but the 3 songs I added to the stations this week all come from the same single. So this is The Way.

The Album Show will plays on Thursdays at 9am and 9pm Pacific Standard Time.

RFC 2430

For those of you who stay away from Spotify the current week's additions will be played on Wednesdays. This is a change from prior programming: what we're going to do going forward is just play the music added this week only. Every other day will be the usual rotation, but we set aside Wednesdays for just the new additions for the week. This week that's 39 songs, which we will play in the same order that they're in on the Spotify playlist of the same name up at the top of this post. So if you tune in at just about any time on Wednesday you will hear the whole playlist.

10 at 10

One last programming note: Every Saturday at 10pm and again on Sunday at 10am and 10pm we will feature our show "10 at 10", where we play 10 (and sometimes 11 or even 12!) songs from a year we pick at random. Again, all times are PST. Last week I played a group of songs from 1987, and this week will be from this century instead..

As always, you can go to to listen to the station, and there is an imbed below. And did you know the station is available as an app? It's only for Google Play (sorry iphone users - Apples terms and conditions were too restrictive for me) but you can listen on your phone at your convenience too.

No cheap shots this week. Go pay attention to some real news.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Project 2025 will kill you. Yes, you. Sections 1-5 (of 30)

So I've been reading Project 2025 so you don't have to, and I'm going to report on everything I find that is alarming, which I imagine will be a lot. By the way, I am skipping the first few pages that make up the mission statement and Foreward. A lot of people have covered the racist, misogynistic, absolutely horrid things said there. I'm digging into the weeds and the policy details.

Section 1-3 - Taking the Reins of Government.

Most of the first two sections of this part is kind of like a preamble. States what goals there should be and what office in the white house does what, and how partisan they should be (very). This isn't all that different although certainly written with more of a mean streak until it gets to the Bureaucracy of the government - the 2 million people employed by the government and the 20 Million contractors. It's fairly common knowledge that they want to reclass these employees as political hires, disband their unions and get rid of their pension plans, but what you might not realize is that they also want this to apply to the contractors.

What does that mean in real life? It means that all the contractor work is now PATRONAGE work. You want that bridge fixed that fell? Well, did they give money to the Republican Party or more specifically, Trump? Did your air traffic controller? Did the Nasa Astronaut who wants that next mission? The guy in charge of the Hoover Dam? The people running the concessions at Yosemite?

Every single Defense Contractor. Speaking of which...

Section 4 - The Department of Defense

Department of Defense: Re-recognize Taiwan as its own country (it would take me pages and pages of writing to explain why we have never done that in the last 50 years). Reduce our Membership in NATO to Nukes only. Support Israel, but sell arms to the other Gulf States too. Weaponize South Korea. Move China into the Enemy Number 1 spot. More Nukes. Focus on faster builds and reduce long-term strategies. If you want something "Fast-Tracked" consider alternate sources of funding (from what - private citizens? Foreign countries? It doesn't specify). Greater reliance on small business (remember that thing about contractors above?). Use of Made in the US parts and mold forms, even those currently not made in the US. Gut safety and procurement regulations and replace them with incentives for speed. 

(Regarding NATO, I think it's worth point out that the Mutual Aid declaration has only been invoked ONCE in the entire history of the organization. It was when NATO came to the aid of the U.S. after 9/11.)

Eliminate the Defense Acquisition University (I had to look this up) - a college in Virginia specifically used to train Defense Department personnel, civilian and military, and rely on other colleges and universities to offer the training in classified materials, which to me sounds like a security nightmare.

Increase DoD participation in private R&D. A greater focus on battlefield weaponry with an eye of specific use against China. Increase weapons sales to nearly double current levels. Eliminate congressional notification of sales. Send more weapons to the UK. 

Eliminate medical reviews of potential military recruits. Mandatory testing of High School students for Military fitness and aptitude in order to graduate. Requiring any politician who gives a townhall to reserve time for military recruiters. If you have HIV (even if acquired after recruitment) or are Trans your will be expelled from the military.

Force members to listen to Christian Chaplains, regardless of their personal faith. Reinstate all service people, with rank and back pay, who refused the COVID vaccine. Eliminate all Diversity efforts. No abortions for people in the military. Do the same for any and all schools on military bases or funded by the DoD for families of service people.

Reduce the number of Generals. Hey Colonel, good luck on that promotion.

The section on Intelligence gathering can be reduces to two words: More Spies!

Eliminate peripheral intelligence obligations that do not advance military readiness. That's an actual section headline. If it's not something that will advance our military operations, don't spy on it!

Increase the size of The Army by 12 percent. That won't be Generals - foot soldiers. Have a position of readiness that would allow us to wage two wars simultaneously. Organize war campaigns based upon grabbing land, not precision strikes. 

Seriously, there is paragraph after paragraph about preparing for a land war, with the object being to take the land.

Increase the number of Naval vessels in use by 79%, and keep all ships fully armed and able to quickly reload all weapons and munitions at all times. 

Air Force: Increase purchases of F-35A aircraft by 10% every year. Increase the number of B21 Bombers by 15-18% each year. More weapons and munitions. Enough arial refueling craft to keep everything in the air. Double the number of EC-37B electronic warfare aircraft we have just to monitor China. Ramp up production of the Sentinel intercontinental ballistic missile, none of which are projected to be ready before 2030. Build resilient basing, sustainment, and communications for survivability in a contested environment (that's word-for-work the bullet point).

Marines: Eliminate the MPs and the JAG Corps. Also, goodbye to Major Jack Reacher and the Special Investigators. Increase the number of active combat units by reassigning currently existing units. This means less peacekeepers and more warriors. Move all the ground assault stuff to the Army. More drones and long-range striking capabilities. Increase the number of warships by 25%. It also looks like they're eliminating the rank of Gunnery Seargent although it's cloaked in lots of legalese. Goodbye Leroy Jethro Gibbs.

Space Force (these years later and I still laugh): Realign from a defensive position to an offensive one. More satellites, and more classified missions handles by the Private Sector. That's Elon Musk, in case you weren't paying attention. Create a Space Force Academy attached to either the California Institute of Technology or MIT (both non-military colleges).

US Cybercommand - this is new. Separate Cyber Security from the NSA and put it under the Military. All military platoons in all branches will now have a mandated cyber security officer.

Make "Irregular Warfare" a cornerstone of Special Ops. Basically this means "we can use Special Ops for whatever the hell we want to use it for, including taking action against non-state actors." This could mean drug cartels, offensive strikes into Iraq/Iran, and probably lots of smaller actions within China. I think this specifically because there's now a whole section after all of the above about dealing with China, specifically with the intent of disrupting China's influence with various smaller countries all around the globe, from the Pacific Rim and into the Gulf and Africa. And MEXICO.

Then there's a couple of pages just about "Let's build more new Nukes than everyone else combined" and let's test them - treaties be damned. Specifically, in Nevada.

And oh yes, Reagan's "Star Wars" program is coming back, despite being discredited over two decades ago.

All of the preceding 19 PARAGRAPHS above is my condensation of 41 pages of rhetoric and gobbledygook written by Christopher C. Miller, who was Secretary of Defense under Trump from November 20, 2020 until Trump's term ended. He's the man who hired Kash Patel as deputy. Given the author and the fact that the entire document is designed to turn the Army into fodder for a ground war while the marines are turned into a long-distance force, while the Navy ramps up and everything else arms to the teeth, and given the language about readiness for a ground war I can come to a couple of conclusions.

This is a document meant to justify the INVASION OF MEXICO. Yeah, there's lots of other stuff in there especially about China but there is so much focus about running and maintaining a land war that I can only conclude that they want one. You don't want a land war with China. Only China wins those, and that's the way it's been for Centuries. But they do want to completely disable China's influence among our allies so that is going to mean Special Ops to destroy pipelines, roads, and infrastructure that China has invested in other countries. 

Section 5 - Department of Homeland Security

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) be combined with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE); U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS); the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR); and the Department of Justice (DOJ) Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) and Office of Immigration Litigation (OIL) into a standalone border and immigration agency at the Cabinet level. This would become the third largest department in the government, Behind Defense and Department of Justice.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) be moved to the Department of the Interior. The U.S. Coast Guard would be moved to the Department of Justice, and removed from it's Cabinet position. Or the Department of Defense in time of war (which is where you probably already believed it was). The Secret Service would be split in two, and it's investigative arm put under the Treasury department. The Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) be moved to DOD and the Office of Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction be moved to the FBI.

The TSA would be privatized. That includes those damned scanners.

Cyber Security would be moved to the Department of Transportation. 

Just about all of the remaining pages are about transforming DHS into a Border Patrol on Steroids.

Expel anyone arrested by ICE. No exceptions. Eliminate all T and U Visas, which are used to keep witnesses to crimes in the country for effective prosecutions that immigrants are witnesses to. Anyone ICE catches within 100 miles of the border can be expelled immediately, regardless of status. Increase the number of beds in immigration Detention Camps to 100,000 beds. This is triple the current number.

Double the number of Enforcement officers. Increase the number of Government Immigration lawyers by 500%.

Move the training of immigration personnel to the same types of facilities the NCIS and the FBI use. Reclass all amnesties given under DACA, to Ukrainians, Afghans, as unlawful and subject to the same deportations.

Increase fees for all immigrants for all paperwork to fund the entire budget of the DHS. Build that fucking wall.

Create an authority akin to the Title 42 Public Health authority that has been used during the COVID-19 pandemic to expel illegal aliens across the border immediately when certain non-health conditions are met, such as loss of operational control of the border - which they like to say is every day.

In very complicated language, they state that all unaccompanied minors who cross the border are to be housed and adopted into new families, not reunited with their own families.

Escaping Gang Violence and/or Domestic Violence are not acceptable grounds for asylum. Expedited Removal is to be the main focus of DHS activities. Limit the classes of aliens eligible for work authorization. Reimplement the Remain in Mexico Protocols. Prohibit the use of parole in any categorical circumstance. Mandate the use of E-Verify for anyone doing business with the government.

Any time some sort of "caravan" starts coming north, rules can be updated on an emergency bases to prohibit the entry of anyone4 in said caravan, without exception. 

No more sanctuary cities or sites. This would include churches, by the way.

No more need for a traditional warrant to raid business if there are suspected undocumented aliens. Just a suspicion or a whiff of guilt will do. 

Immediately end CISA’s (Cyber division) counter-mis/disinformation efforts.

Increase funding for the Coast Guard to US Navy levels, with a look towards disrupting China in the Waters toward Alaska, and to use this as a force in the Arctic. 

Allow the Secret Service to enforce any and all US Federal Laws. Get DHS out of monitoring Social Media. Change the focus of the Office of the General Counsel from protecting the American People to protecting the people who are appointed to run the DHS.

The Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties will be reduced to one person. The Office of the Immigration Detention Ombudsman to be eliminated. The Office of the Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman to be eliminated. 

Take the Office of Refugee Resettlement away from the Department of Health and Human Services. Deny loan access to those who are not U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents, and deny loan access to students at schools that provide in-state tuition to undocumented aliens. 

Next posting will cover State, the Intelligence Community, the U.S. Agency for Global Media, The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the Agency for International Development, and the Department of Agriculture. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

Radio Free California Episode 2429, Radio Station Notes, and it wasn't an assasination attempt; it was a mass shooting


Great big ol' list of new music from artists like Wishy, Everyone Says Hi, Laughing, Dive Time, Woody and Jeremy, Gut Health, Frute, Lemoncello, Sister, Phish, Cassandra Jenkins and much more! Enjoy!


Laughing is a Canadian band whose debut album, "Becaue It's True", is an album well worth your time. As they like to say themselves, they pay attention to some of the best songwriting of the past 5 decades and use it to influence what they come up with, and they're pretty good at it. All of the members come from other Canadian bands you've never heard of like Monomyth and Nap Eyes, but this incarnation I believe is going places. Please check out our north of the border naighbors (assuming you're in the US) when we play the full album on this week's Album Show.

Also worthy of note this week is the new album by Phish, which for once really catches their live shoud, called "Evolve", The new album by Cassandra Jenkins called "My Light, My Destroyer" that features the song "Petco", and Cigarettes After Sex's new album, "X's". If you want to revist the 1980's but with brand new music, I recomment Love Friend's new release called "Handle With Care", and if you feel like testing out a gothic horror concept album, I do recommend Earth Tongue's "Great Haunting". Finally, I have to admit that I liked the new Remi Wolf album "Big Ideas".

For once the Spotify Biography (quoted above) is pretty accurate. JonoJono is really a mix of many styles, without it becomming a mess. I rather enjoy his new album "I'm cool... I guess" and will be playing this album on this week's show.

The Album Show will plays on Thursdays at 9am and 9pm Pacific Standard Time.

RFC 2429

For those of you who stay away from Spotify the current week's additions will be played on Wednesdays. This is a change from prior programming: what we're going to do going forward is just play the music added this week only. Every other day will be the usual rotation, but we set aside Wednesdays for just the new additions for the week. This week that's 54 songs, which we will play in the same order that they're in on the Spotify playlist of the same name up at the top of this post. So if you tune in at just about any time on Wedmesday you will hear the whole playlist.

10 at 10

One last programming note: Every Saturday at 10pm and again on Sunday at 10am and 10pm we will feature our show "10 at 10", where we play 10 (and sometimes 11 or even 12!) songs from a year we pick at random. Again, all times are PST. I usually don't give you any heads up about what I'm going to play, but this week is different and I'm going to tell you right off the top that I'm going to play songs from the year 1987 - it's going to be quite a difference from the playlist of two years earlier I played last week, so be sure to tune in!.

As always, you can go to to listen to the station, and there is an imbed below. And did you know the station is available as an app? It's only for Google Play (sorry iphone users - Apples terms and conditions were too restrictive for me) but you can listen on your phone at your convenience too.

I'm working on a group of essays about Project 2025. It is so much worse than you know. The first one will be up soon. By the way, J.D. Vance is an admin on Project 2025's website. Just sayin'.

Cheap shots:

So it's J.D. Motherfucking Vance. There is nothing real about the man, not even his motherfucking "Hillbilly Elegy". Not one thing. The only comment I have on the man who just 8 years ago called Felon45 "America's Hitler" and said he was voting for Hilary Clinton is this comment from The Lincoln Project:

Um guys, all that talk about getting shot? He got GRAZED. You know, if it wasn't a Ketchup packet he had in his hand. He went golfing while an Actual President was giving condolances to the family of the man who actually was killed.

One last thing, let's stop calling it an Assasination Attempt. It was a MASS SHOOTING. At least 4 people were hit with bullets, and one of them is dead. Two more are in the hospital.

And because I love you, Here is the exact live performance of the song by Big Big Train in the playlist above. I'm not a big fan of live albums by rock bands because its usually the performance and not the music that works live, but this video changed my mind about this one. Enjoy.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Radio Free California Episode 2428, radio station notes notes including a story about this week's 10 at 10, cheap shots and more!


Lots of indie in this week's new music, from BITE! to Wake the Nations, Orchards, Indor Foxes, plus new singles from Los Lonely Boys, Childish Gambino, Sweet, Ghost Party, A Short Walk to Pluto, Vulfmon, Body Count, Gacharic Spin (think Band-Maid with a keyboard player) and much more. Enjoy!


JonoJono is a curious hybrid honing the smooth rides and synth sounds of RnB with a sheer use of electric distortion from Grunge / Metal in his music. This Florida born, Houston, TX raised singer/guitarist/producer has equally strong musical influences from the likes of Kurt Cobain, Erykah Badu, James Hetfield, & Frank Ocean (along with his uprising counterparts in the early LA group "Odd Future"), which makes his definition of Indie music own no limitations.

For once the Spotify Biography (quoted above) is pretty accurate. JonoJono is really a mix of many styles, without it becomming a mess. I rather enjoy his new album "I'm cool... I guess" and will be playing this album on this week's show.

The Album Show will plays on Thursdays at 9am and 9pm Pacific Standard Time.

RFC 2428

For those of you who stay away from Spotify the current week's additions will be played on Wednesdays. This is a change from prior programming: what we're going to do going forward is just play the music added this week only. Every other day will be the usual rotation, but we set aside Wednesdays for just the new additions for the week. This week that's 45 songs, which we will play in the same order that they're in on the Spotify playlist of the same name up at the top of this post. So if you tune in at just about any time on Wedmesday you will hear the whole playlist.

10 at 10

One last programming note: Every Saturday at 10pm and again on Sunday at 10am and 10pm we will feature our show "10 at 10", where we play 10 (and sometimes 11 or even 12!) songs from a year we pick at random. Again, all times are PST. I usually don't give you any heads up about what I'm going to play, but this week is different and I'm going to tell you right off the top that I'm going to play songs from the year 1985.

The reason for this is that its rare that I get to tell you a story about the very first song you hear on this week's playlist - featuring the guitar of a man named Ryan Hedgecock. Back in 1985 I was working at what we used to call a Record Store, although at that moment in time most of our sales were CDs, which had by then been around for a couple of years. It was the Warehouse Records on Westwood Boulevard, about 1/2 mile south of UCLA where I was a student. The store was slowly (and then very rapidly) converting from a music store into a video rental outlet, which was the new craze (VHS Tapes) and quickly outpacing record sales. I didn't work there very long (I found a better paying job) but what I want to tell you about is one of my co-workers, The previously mentionened Ryan Hedgecock.

We weren't friends, just co-workers. I made fun of his taste in music and he made fun of mine. I liked jazz and prog rock while he was into country and rockabilly. I tried to turn him on to Todd Rundgren and he tried to turn me on to The Blasters - we both failed, but we picked up a few things from each other and both kept on trying to introduce each other to music the other hadn't heard. I soaked up a lot more than he did I think, because I was still so new to the world of music beyond the town where I grew up (save for jazz, which I had a LOT of exposure to as a kid). He was a guitarist and had his own band and would sometimes have a guitar with him. I heard him play and he played stuff like I had never heard before; a mix of pop, rockabilly and country that was very different from the standard rock guitar I could play at the time. I don't think my playing impressed him very much but he impressed me. I was still learning the instrument and it would be another two years before I co-founded ASK (my L.A Band) but he was on the scene right then and had been for a couple of years. In fact, his band had an indie deal (and a couple of self-released albums before that) and he would sometimes be away from work recording it.

I never met any other members of his band, and half the time I couldn't remember the name of it.

He came into work the day the album was released, bought a copy of the record on vinyl, and promptly quit his job. His band was a big deal in Los Angeles and they were getting some big gigs. I never saw him again. I quit not long after that.

I also bought a copy of the album, and I liked it. But the band didn't hit big until their next album, and by then Ryan had left the band. I have no idea what happened to him after that. His picture is on the first album, and not on the next one so you can probably figure out which one he is. I understand he lives in New York now, still doing his country/rockabilly/pop thing. I haven't spoken to him since 1985, and he'd at best remember me as the scrawny kid with the long hair who could talk classical with the customers and the unnatural affection for Suzanne Vega's first album. More likely he wouldn't remember me at all. I don't think of him very often - expect when I'm revisiting 1985, like this week.

The band went on to big things, and there's a good chance that if you're my age you've heard them. I'm not going to tell you who they are - you need to tune into the show - but the very first sound you will hear is Ryan's guitar. They became more pop after that release and the lead singer eventually went her own way - as she was probably always destined to do. But 1985 was their first big release and I'm going to play my favorite song from that album to start off this week's 10 at 10, and I hope you tune in.

As always, you can go to to listen to the station, and there is an imbed below. And did you know the station is available as an app? It's only for Google Play (sorry iphone users - Apples terms and conditions were too restrictive for me) but you can listen on your phone at your convenience too.

I have another story from my Warehouse Records days. Because of our location we got a lot of movie and TV people in our store; mostly behind the camera people and not actors. We got the occasional musician we'd recognize, but for the most part they all went to Tower Records. But there is the one day a group of Producers from the TV show Miami Vice came into the store looking for new music. Several of us went to pitch our favorite bands of the time. I got to talking with one producer, a man in his early 30's and talked to him about Suzanne Vega, some Jean-Luc Ponty, but also Todd Rundgren. I was REALLY REALLY into his music at that moment.

I don't remember the guy's name, but I remember him walking out of the store with several of Rundgren's records, including the album "Healing" at the top of the pile. For those of you who remember the show, two songs from that album (Tiny Demons and Time Heals) wound up featured in multiple episodes of the show in its third season.

Yeah, that's my doing. I told a member of his band from the "Only Human" tour that I met that story (I met the whole backing band one night at a party I was invited to), but I've never met Todd himself. I wonder sometimes if he knows that a 20 year-old kid in a music store is the reason he got those royalty checks.

Cheap shots:

I'm going to say this every week until and probably after the election in November: Project 2025 is the most Un-American idea to come along in quite a while. I'ts dangerous and if you support it you might as well tattoo a swastica on your bible. If you vote Republican in this election you're a Fascist. 

Ronan Farrow has a shockingly accurate track record when it comes to this sort of thing.

If you support Project 2025 you're a fucking Nazi.

There is hope. It's just all overseas at the moment.

Taraji P. Henson for the win! (Normally I go to HuffPo for entertainment newws adjacent stuff like this but at the moment I am boycotting HuffPo - until they calm the fuck down about Biden's one bad day).

What is the phrase again? Ah yes. Fuck your feelings.

You know it's a valid point. Yes, Biden wasn't good that night, but Trump was much worse.

Voter: "We need Dark Brandon back". Biden: "Dark Brandon's coming back". The reaction.

So when is Trump going to drop out of the race?

Remember, this idiot was a Full Bird Colonel in the JAG Corps.

And because I love you, here's one of my new favotie bands, with a song I'll be adding next week:

Monday, July 1, 2024

Radio Free California Episode 2427, changes to our programming, why H.E.H. Biden shouldn't drop out, cheap shots and more!

Fantastic week for new music from Tom Morello, Fantastic Negrito with Sting, The Warning, Redd Kross, Jahanah Camille, Chelsea King, Aaron Frasier, Loma, Closebye and much more. Enjoy!


This week for The Album Show I've decided to play the new full album by The Warning, "Keep Me Fed". This band is a hard working hard rocking power trio of Sisters originally from Mexico (Most of their songs are in English) - Daniela “Dany” [guitar, lead vocals, piano], Paulina “Pau” [drums, vocals, piano], and Alejandra “Ale” Villarreal [bass, piano, backing vocals]. Over the past few years they have opened for Guns N' Roses, Foo Fighters, Muse, appeared on Metallica's "Blacklist" Compilation performing "Enter Sandman", and their new album is worth the attention.

The Album Show will plays on Thursdays at 9am and 9pm Pacific Standard Time.

Other great albums worth your time this week are: Chelsea King's "I'll Meet You in My Dreams", the new self-titled album by Redd Kross (yes, that Redd Kross), Kate Nash's "9 Sad Symphonies", "Notes from a quiet life" by Washed Out, and "Mission to Mars" by Pride & Shame - which is a concept album about an alternative history of the NASA program in the 1960's, which is much better than how I've described it.

RFC 2427

For those of you who stay away from Spotify the current week's additions will be played on Wednesdays. This is a change from prior programming: what we're going to do going forward is just play the music added this week only. Every other day will be the usual rotation, but we set aside Wednesdays for just the new additions for the week. This week that's 45 songs, which we will play in the same order that they're in on the Spotify playlist of the same name up at the top of this post. So if you tune in at just about any time on Wedmesday you will hear the whole playlist.

10 at 10

One last programming note: Every Saturday at 10pm and again on Sunday at 10am and 10pm we will feature our show "10 at 10", where we play 10 (and sometimes 11 or even 12!) songs from a year we pick at random. Again, all times are PST. Last week we featured a selection of songs from 1974 and for next Sunday's show we're going to feature a small selection of songs from... well you'll have to tune in to find out! We also run the show at a "secret" time on Saturdays.

As always, you can go to to listen to the station, and there is an imbed below. And did you know the station is available as an app? It's only for Google Play (sorry iphone users - Apples terms and conditions were too restrictive for me) but you can listen on your phone at your convenience too.

To everyone saying "We need to replace Biden!" We did this dance once before when LBJ was President. That gave us 8 years (almost) of Motherfucking Nixon. Keep calm - he had a bad night. In case you didn't notice, Biden rebounded like mad the next day.

What fewer people are talking about is at that same (non-moderated) debate, Trump didn't directly answer a single question, and lied at least once every time he opened his mouth. As I've seen around the internet, Just because you have concers about Albert minding the Batcave at 81 years of age, you don't replace him with The Joker. Actually, comparing Trump to The Joker is doing The Joker a disservice.

And to you Republicans, it seems to me that the problem you have with Biden's age is the color of his Vice President's skin. Yeah, I said it.

As for this whole Presidential Immunity crap, we are now a country of laws, except for 1 person. Wasn't that the whole point of kicking out England's ass in the first place? You know what prevents Biden from firing the entire Supreme Court now?


Cheap Shots:

I never even knew that Kevin Conroy, one of the best people to portray Batman, was gay. He left behind a cartoon for us to read. I highly recommend it. And yes, I'm on Tumblr.

Well I guess in Oklahoma everyone is going to start measuring things in Cubits.

So Atlantic Hurricanes in June is now a thing.

A point never even looked at here - that people of her generation and after aren't having kids because they can actually see how fucked up things are.

Of course I'm going to cheer on my fellow Bruin.

Project 2025 is the Republican Mein Kampf. That isn't hyperbole - read it yourself. (I don't link directly to it for reasons having to do with botsd and e-mail spamming, but what I link to does).

With apologies to Key and Peele, Biden's Anger Translator.

Maybe this means he can be prosecuted somewhere other than Florida.

Shorter: "We're just not going to list all the stuff we think you won't like."

Pity you're not one of the Judges actually involved in all this.

So let me see if I have this straight: You took the case ahead of schedule so that you could rule on the question, and now you're sending it back to the lower courts so that they can determine how it works? Which will be appealed to you again? Oh and by the way, Absolute Immunity is now a thing? So do we now address President Biden as His Elected Highness?

I love John Fetterman. I don't always agree with him, but his is a much needed voice.

I use this a lot lately. To quote the Force Ghost of Anikan Skywalker, Incorrect.

Come on Joe, we need this.

By the way, in the same judgement, the Chief Justice has already paved the way for Trump to have all of the federal cases against him dropped if he takes office again.

This won't get anywhere in this congress, but you go girl.

Anyone else remember that this is THE FUCKING MOMENT in "Frost/Nixon" where it all turned?

And because I love you, a song that I've had in my head for the past few days. A remake of an Iggy Pop Song: