Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Project 2025 will kill you. Yes, you. Sections 1-5 (of 30)

So I've been reading Project 2025 so you don't have to, and I'm going to report on everything I find that is alarming, which I imagine will be a lot. By the way, I am skipping the first few pages that make up the mission statement and Foreward. A lot of people have covered the racist, misogynistic, absolutely horrid things said there. I'm digging into the weeds and the policy details.

Section 1-3 - Taking the Reins of Government.

Most of the first two sections of this part is kind of like a preamble. States what goals there should be and what office in the white house does what, and how partisan they should be (very). This isn't all that different although certainly written with more of a mean streak until it gets to the Bureaucracy of the government - the 2 million people employed by the government and the 20 Million contractors. It's fairly common knowledge that they want to reclass these employees as political hires, disband their unions and get rid of their pension plans, but what you might not realize is that they also want this to apply to the contractors.

What does that mean in real life? It means that all the contractor work is now PATRONAGE work. You want that bridge fixed that fell? Well, did they give money to the Republican Party or more specifically, Trump? Did your air traffic controller? Did the Nasa Astronaut who wants that next mission? The guy in charge of the Hoover Dam? The people running the concessions at Yosemite?

Every single Defense Contractor. Speaking of which...

Section 4 - The Department of Defense

Department of Defense: Re-recognize Taiwan as its own country (it would take me pages and pages of writing to explain why we have never done that in the last 50 years). Reduce our Membership in NATO to Nukes only. Support Israel, but sell arms to the other Gulf States too. Weaponize South Korea. Move China into the Enemy Number 1 spot. More Nukes. Focus on faster builds and reduce long-term strategies. If you want something "Fast-Tracked" consider alternate sources of funding (from what - private citizens? Foreign countries? It doesn't specify). Greater reliance on small business (remember that thing about contractors above?). Use of Made in the US parts and mold forms, even those currently not made in the US. Gut safety and procurement regulations and replace them with incentives for speed. 

(Regarding NATO, I think it's worth point out that the Mutual Aid declaration has only been invoked ONCE in the entire history of the organization. It was when NATO came to the aid of the U.S. after 9/11.)

Eliminate the Defense Acquisition University (I had to look this up) - a college in Virginia specifically used to train Defense Department personnel, civilian and military, and rely on other colleges and universities to offer the training in classified materials, which to me sounds like a security nightmare.

Increase DoD participation in private R&D. A greater focus on battlefield weaponry with an eye of specific use against China. Increase weapons sales to nearly double current levels. Eliminate congressional notification of sales. Send more weapons to the UK. 

Eliminate medical reviews of potential military recruits. Mandatory testing of High School students for Military fitness and aptitude in order to graduate. Requiring any politician who gives a townhall to reserve time for military recruiters. If you have HIV (even if acquired after recruitment) or are Trans your will be expelled from the military.

Force members to listen to Christian Chaplains, regardless of their personal faith. Reinstate all service people, with rank and back pay, who refused the COVID vaccine. Eliminate all Diversity efforts. No abortions for people in the military. Do the same for any and all schools on military bases or funded by the DoD for families of service people.

Reduce the number of Generals. Hey Colonel, good luck on that promotion.

The section on Intelligence gathering can be reduces to two words: More Spies!

Eliminate peripheral intelligence obligations that do not advance military readiness. That's an actual section headline. If it's not something that will advance our military operations, don't spy on it!

Increase the size of The Army by 12 percent. That won't be Generals - foot soldiers. Have a position of readiness that would allow us to wage two wars simultaneously. Organize war campaigns based upon grabbing land, not precision strikes. 

Seriously, there is paragraph after paragraph about preparing for a land war, with the object being to take the land.

Increase the number of Naval vessels in use by 79%, and keep all ships fully armed and able to quickly reload all weapons and munitions at all times. 

Air Force: Increase purchases of F-35A aircraft by 10% every year. Increase the number of B21 Bombers by 15-18% each year. More weapons and munitions. Enough arial refueling craft to keep everything in the air. Double the number of EC-37B electronic warfare aircraft we have just to monitor China. Ramp up production of the Sentinel intercontinental ballistic missile, none of which are projected to be ready before 2030. Build resilient basing, sustainment, and communications for survivability in a contested environment (that's word-for-work the bullet point).

Marines: Eliminate the MPs and the JAG Corps. Also, goodbye to Major Jack Reacher and the Special Investigators. Increase the number of active combat units by reassigning currently existing units. This means less peacekeepers and more warriors. Move all the ground assault stuff to the Army. More drones and long-range striking capabilities. Increase the number of warships by 25%. It also looks like they're eliminating the rank of Gunnery Seargent although it's cloaked in lots of legalese. Goodbye Leroy Jethro Gibbs.

Space Force (these years later and I still laugh): Realign from a defensive position to an offensive one. More satellites, and more classified missions handles by the Private Sector. That's Elon Musk, in case you weren't paying attention. Create a Space Force Academy attached to either the California Institute of Technology or MIT (both non-military colleges).

US Cybercommand - this is new. Separate Cyber Security from the NSA and put it under the Military. All military platoons in all branches will now have a mandated cyber security officer.

Make "Irregular Warfare" a cornerstone of Special Ops. Basically this means "we can use Special Ops for whatever the hell we want to use it for, including taking action against non-state actors." This could mean drug cartels, offensive strikes into Iraq/Iran, and probably lots of smaller actions within China. I think this specifically because there's now a whole section after all of the above about dealing with China, specifically with the intent of disrupting China's influence with various smaller countries all around the globe, from the Pacific Rim and into the Gulf and Africa. And MEXICO.

Then there's a couple of pages just about "Let's build more new Nukes than everyone else combined" and let's test them - treaties be damned. Specifically, in Nevada.

And oh yes, Reagan's "Star Wars" program is coming back, despite being discredited over two decades ago.

All of the preceding 19 PARAGRAPHS above is my condensation of 41 pages of rhetoric and gobbledygook written by Christopher C. Miller, who was Secretary of Defense under Trump from November 20, 2020 until Trump's term ended. He's the man who hired Kash Patel as deputy. Given the author and the fact that the entire document is designed to turn the Army into fodder for a ground war while the marines are turned into a long-distance force, while the Navy ramps up and everything else arms to the teeth, and given the language about readiness for a ground war I can come to a couple of conclusions.

This is a document meant to justify the INVASION OF MEXICO. Yeah, there's lots of other stuff in there especially about China but there is so much focus about running and maintaining a land war that I can only conclude that they want one. You don't want a land war with China. Only China wins those, and that's the way it's been for Centuries. But they do want to completely disable China's influence among our allies so that is going to mean Special Ops to destroy pipelines, roads, and infrastructure that China has invested in other countries. 

Section 5 - Department of Homeland Security

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) be combined with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE); U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS); the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR); and the Department of Justice (DOJ) Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) and Office of Immigration Litigation (OIL) into a standalone border and immigration agency at the Cabinet level. This would become the third largest department in the government, Behind Defense and Department of Justice.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) be moved to the Department of the Interior. The U.S. Coast Guard would be moved to the Department of Justice, and removed from it's Cabinet position. Or the Department of Defense in time of war (which is where you probably already believed it was). The Secret Service would be split in two, and it's investigative arm put under the Treasury department. The Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) be moved to DOD and the Office of Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction be moved to the FBI.

The TSA would be privatized. That includes those damned scanners.

Cyber Security would be moved to the Department of Transportation. 

Just about all of the remaining pages are about transforming DHS into a Border Patrol on Steroids.

Expel anyone arrested by ICE. No exceptions. Eliminate all T and U Visas, which are used to keep witnesses to crimes in the country for effective prosecutions that immigrants are witnesses to. Anyone ICE catches within 100 miles of the border can be expelled immediately, regardless of status. Increase the number of beds in immigration Detention Camps to 100,000 beds. This is triple the current number.

Double the number of Enforcement officers. Increase the number of Government Immigration lawyers by 500%.

Move the training of immigration personnel to the same types of facilities the NCIS and the FBI use. Reclass all amnesties given under DACA, to Ukrainians, Afghans, as unlawful and subject to the same deportations.

Increase fees for all immigrants for all paperwork to fund the entire budget of the DHS. Build that fucking wall.

Create an authority akin to the Title 42 Public Health authority that has been used during the COVID-19 pandemic to expel illegal aliens across the border immediately when certain non-health conditions are met, such as loss of operational control of the border - which they like to say is every day.

In very complicated language, they state that all unaccompanied minors who cross the border are to be housed and adopted into new families, not reunited with their own families.

Escaping Gang Violence and/or Domestic Violence are not acceptable grounds for asylum. Expedited Removal is to be the main focus of DHS activities. Limit the classes of aliens eligible for work authorization. Reimplement the Remain in Mexico Protocols. Prohibit the use of parole in any categorical circumstance. Mandate the use of E-Verify for anyone doing business with the government.

Any time some sort of "caravan" starts coming north, rules can be updated on an emergency bases to prohibit the entry of anyone4 in said caravan, without exception. 

No more sanctuary cities or sites. This would include churches, by the way.

No more need for a traditional warrant to raid business if there are suspected undocumented aliens. Just a suspicion or a whiff of guilt will do. 

Immediately end CISA’s (Cyber division) counter-mis/disinformation efforts.

Increase funding for the Coast Guard to US Navy levels, with a look towards disrupting China in the Waters toward Alaska, and to use this as a force in the Arctic. 

Allow the Secret Service to enforce any and all US Federal Laws. Get DHS out of monitoring Social Media. Change the focus of the Office of the General Counsel from protecting the American People to protecting the people who are appointed to run the DHS.

The Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties will be reduced to one person. The Office of the Immigration Detention Ombudsman to be eliminated. The Office of the Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman to be eliminated. 

Take the Office of Refugee Resettlement away from the Department of Health and Human Services. Deny loan access to those who are not U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents, and deny loan access to students at schools that provide in-state tuition to undocumented aliens. 

Next posting will cover State, the Intelligence Community, the U.S. Agency for Global Media, The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the Agency for International Development, and the Department of Agriculture. 

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