Wednesday, February 19, 2025

While you have been watching the circuses, the United States became a Dictatorship. Really. This isn't hyperbole.

While you've been watching people argue gender in court, airplanes crash, Elon's buzz-boys program themselves into government and have officials at multiple levels possibly collude with Russia, the new/old guy's administration issued an executive order turning the United States into a Dictatorship. I have the receipts.

This is a directive published on the White House's website. I'm going to quote the whole fucking thing in full, with some words (and a moment of relief) after:


RESTORING DEMOCRACY AND ACCOUNTABILITY IN GOVERNMENT: Today, President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order ensuring that all federal agencies are accountable to the American people, as required by the Constitution. Under this Executive Order: The Order notes that Article II of the U.S. Constitution vests all executive power in the President, meaning that all executive branch officials and employees are subject to his supervision.

Therefore, because all executive power is vested in the President, all agencies must: (1) submit draft regulations for White House review—with no carve-out for so-called independent agencies, except for the monetary policy functions of the Federal Reserve; and (2) consult with the White House on their priorities and strategic plans, and the White House will set their performance standards.

The Office of Management and Budget will adjust so-called independent agencies’ apportionments to ensure tax dollars are spent wisely.

The President and the Attorney General (subject to the President’s supervision and control) will interpret the law for the executive branch, instead of having separate agencies adopt conflicting interpretations.

REINING IN INDEPENDENT AGENCIES: So-called independent agencies like the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have exercised enormous power over the American people without Presidential oversight. These agencies issue rules and regulations that cost billions of dollars and implicate some of the most controversial policy matters, and they do so without the review of the democratically elected President.

They also spend American tax dollars and set priorities without consulting the President, while setting their own performance standards.

Now they will no longer impose rules on the American people without oversight or accountability.

ENSURING A GOVERNMENT THAT ANSWERS TO THE PEOPLE: This order fulfills President Trump’s promise to restore constitutional governance and accountability to the entire executive branch. Executive power without responsibility has no place in our Republic. The United States was founded on the principle that the government should be accountable to the people. That is why the Founders created a single President who is alone vested with “the executive Power” and responsibility to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”

Voters and the President can now hold all Federal agencies—not just Cabinet departments—responsible for their decisions, as the Constitution demands.


So this stream of bullshit means there will be no such thing as an independent agency in the government anymore. They must all conform to the vision of the White House - including the Federal Election Commission, The Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Federal Trade Commission.

The Office of Budget Management can take whatever budget is passed by Congress and change it.

Watchdogs that report to the President will be placed in every agency, and they will report to the President and coordinate with a new branch of government, called the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA). 

You know, a Gestapo.

And those last two paragraphs make it look like what they're doing is increasing accountability, but the reality of the situation is while a President is accountable, everyone else is accountable to HIM and HIM alone. This is the real reason why just about every Inspector General was fired. We had a system of accountability and it worked.

Now we have everyone reporting to the Chancellor and he can direct the money appropriated by Congress into whatever the fuck he wants.

Is he a Chancellor? A King? He sure as fuck isn't an American President.

The oath that is taken is protect the country from all enemies, Foreign or Domestic. But what happens when the President is the Domestic Enemy? When he has put loyalists in every position that was formerly independent from him? When Congress has ceded their power over the purse strings of government to the whips of that same Domestic Enemy?

When that Domestic Enemy controls the military?


Even getting a NEA Grant has been infused with this bullshit. This is a screenshot of a small section of the rules:

Basically, your art must conform to the administration's goals and beliefs. Dude, if it does that it isn't art - it's propaganda.

I'm considering applying, but I can't decide which of my songs they would find most offensive. I mean, I do have the song where I refer to anti-vaxxers and "Dumbest Motherfuckers", and I have the song in favor of Black Lives matter, but I also have a few now that tells them just how badly they get scripture wrong (see

Did you know that Elon and the gang have no actual Government authority to do anything? That the white house confirmed that today? ARREST THAT MOTHERFUCKER AND HIS GOONS!

The only bright spot I've seen in these past few weeks is how Steve Bannon is seething with jealousy over Elon's access to the new/old guy.

I mean, it really sucks to be a woman in the Hee-Haw version of the Handmaid's Tale.

Of course the new/old guy doesn't see himself as a Dictator. He is calling himself a King. I'm going to use Chancellor - because of what it implies.


Because I love you and would like to leave you on an up note, here is Vulpeck. My gut feeling is that their next album is going to be a live one, with all new material like this.

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