Thursday, January 20, 2011

Entropy always wins

I don't have much to talk about today as I've been dealing with entropy's effect on my hot water heater. Seriously, I thought someone had installed a fountain in my garage while I slept. So let's get right to the…

Cheap shots:

This is your brain on Republicantism. In plainspeak, this means we say goodbye to the following: Amtrak, PBS, Foreign Service, beaches on the east coast, federal alternative energy research, the matching funding of presidential races, new technology research, all high speed rail programs as well as any new city rail programs, our relationship with Ireland, public arts, energy star appliances, and just about everything else that makes life bearable with these dickheads.

Dude, you still are a very bad man. And a cokehead. And one who advocates murder. Tase him bro!

I'm one of these 129 Million you fuck. Personally, I'd bet the number is larger. Obesity is a pre-existing condition too.

Making this equation is like saying Laura Bush wrote the Harry Potter series.

Looks like Joementum no longer gives a shit.

Scroll down to the tweet by Lalo Alcaraz.

There really do seem to be a lot of isolated incidents.

If you voted that the first new congresscritter to face a scandal would be a Republicant, pass go and collect your $200.

And because I love you, The Posies

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