Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Home and Dry

There's been an awful lot of talk about reforming the filibuster, especially after it was gang-raped for the last two years by the Republicants. While I'd like to see the abuse stop I've always been a bit hesitant about dropping it. Like many people, I still have fond memories of what a filibuster really means, as personified by Jimmy Stewart in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. I've also worried that if the Senate goes to simple majority rule then the slim margin that the Democrats have will become meaningless as several Democrats have shown tendencies to switch sides.

So the rules change introduced by Senator Tom Udall and the gang today actually makes me feel pretty good. It actually requires that a filibuster actually be executed - by this I mean that the person doing the filibuster actually has to be speaking on the Senate floor. None of this cloture crap we've had to deal with. It calls for the elimination of secret holds and also details the amount of time an issue can be debated under certain circumstances, effectively eliminating a filibuster that comes without any debate at all - which is how we spent much of the past 2 years.

I've never been fully comfortable with the idea of turning the Senate into a little House, and I think that Udall's package here is probably the best move that can be made. Here's hoping that it succeeds. Because we need some judges confirmed and this could finally get it done.

Cheap Shots:

Boehner breaks his promises to the Teabaggers faster than Newt ever could.

So the Republicants want to legislate away everything Obama accomplished? Including job growth?

Apparently Darrell Issa (R-fucknutsville) never had to pass 6th grade English.

The death of Death Panels. Fuck you Ms. Palin for making this happen (it took only 5 days to break that resolution).

Okay, this was a great license plate.

If you really want to understand/be appalled by the divide between the rich and the rest of us, you should really read this.

Um, so what? The reason this scares you is… what exactly?

Look bitch, are you protecting people or companies? If you answered companies - then maybe you're going to hell.

I liked this guy in this role, but I have to admit the new role is also a good one for him.

My wife likes Anderson Cooper. I don't, and here's why.

Bwahahahhhaahahahaahaahh! Stop it, you're killing me!

Um, wow. Has anyone at Conservapedia spent any time in the South, West, East, North, or center of this country. Just how many fat christians do you think we don't have?

And because I love you, Gerry Rafferty.

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