I've been looking for something to write about for today and haven't had a whole lot of luck finding inspiration. I suppose that's one reason I don't do this professionally. From the return of the Macaca Man to the death of Jack LaLanne - a lot has happened today but nothing has really struck a chord with me as something to bitch about. My best shot was taken by another blogger, whom I will summarize by simply stating that if everything is on the table, what about tax increases?
Although I am thinking of reviving Countdown's Worts Person in the world segment here.
So for today I'm just going to give you a small scatterring of…
Cheap shots:
But drafting Keith Olbermann to run for the Senate in connecticut is also dumb, if for no other reason than that he's a lifelong Yankee's fan.
Rahming speed just crashed.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - Clarence Thomas has no business serving on the United States Supreme Court. Screw the Anita Hill thing - he's just a terrible jurist.
And because I love you, the cast of American Idiot. Oh, and Green Day too.
I read about the Clarence Thomas BREACH OF ETHICS yesterday. Seriously can't he even just show a little bit of propriety? Disclose and then say you don't think there's a conflict of interest. There's two sides to that issue, I can respect that. But to not even disclose? Talk about losing what potentially little respect there may have left.