Monday, June 13, 2011


I'm not doing much today. My grand post will be on Wednesday - after the first major Republican debate - so that I can include anything stupid that they say.

Cheap shots:

I think that someone is ashamed that the man is Jewish. Sometimes a cigar is just a phallic symbol.

Dude, it is racist, but on the reverse side a black friend of mine asked me "why can't White people properly use slang?"

It's not that we're scared - we're not - it's that we have trouble believing that you could possibly be that stupid.

Methinks that someone needs a quick lesson in forensic decomposition. That and what fish will eat.

A bench warrant is about to be issued for the arrest of Roger Ebert in Tennessee.

This is pretty cool. Shame it could never work here.

And because I love you and figure that you need words of encouragement, I give you Conan O'Brien.

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