Monday, June 27, 2011

Pigs fly

Antonin Scalia, one of the most jack-assed people ever to sit on the Supreme Court, is right about something. There. I said it. He was the lead judge in the 7-2 decision that said you cannot ban video games based upon violent/sexual content. He came down on the side of free speech, along with all the dirty hippie liberals and the Chief Justice. In the process he said something absolutely brilliant and correct, "Reading Dante is unquestionably more cultured and intellectually edifying than playing Mortal Kombat. But these cultural and intellectual differences are not  constitutional ones."

Right on.

Scalia is the man who gave us George W. Bush as President. He has been wrong on so many things. He looks at the constitution as an absolute and if it ain't in there, then fuck you. But I have to give the man credit - he's intellectually consistent with that and here it worked.

There were two dissents, and one of those two thought that if the law could be interpreted narrowly then it would be fine. The other dissent was Clarence Thomas - who came out with an opinion so stupid that Scalia himself wrote a scathing dismissal of the man's intellectual abilities.

Basically, Thomas wrote that there is no constitutional right to speak to a minor without a parent's permission. Give that one some thought. If he's right then every ice cream man in the country should be thrown in jail. Thomas goes on for pages about this. Scalia shot back, "... denies that persons under 18 have any constitutional right to speak or be spoken to without their parents’ consent. He cites no case, state or federal, supporting this view, and to our knowledge there is none."

Scalia goes on to point out that under Thomas' opinion attending church if you're a minor would be unconstitutional. So would attending political rallies. He concludes, "This argument is not, as JUSTICE THOMAS asserts, “circular." It is the absence of any historical warrant or compelling justification for such restrictions, not our ipse dixit, that renders them invalid.

Wow. When one of your closest colleagues on the bench calls you an idiot, perhaps you should bow out before you really embarrass yourself.

Cheap shots:

Now who is overpaid again?

I had never really thought about it before, but it's a good point. Maybe we should be lowering the age requirement for holding federal elected office. It would require a constitutional amendment.

and maybe find a way to get rid of the requirement that to run for office you need to be rich. Again, it needs a constitutional amendment.

The Defeated. Over and over again.

In all fairness, 4 of those 17 counts were actually just for his hair.

This could really change how buildings are built.

I'm not going to pretend I know what the truth is here. But somebody with independent authority better investigate.

Someone please tase Josh Trevino. I'm cool with it.

And because I love you, Big Audio Dynamite

1 comment:

  1. I'm just curious, how was the video game law any different from movie ratings that prevent minors from being sold tickets to R and X rated movies?
