You know, I haven't been blogging lately, and I'm pretty sure then tens of you who come to this site have noticed. It's not for a lack of material - lord knows that people on both sides of the aisle have been making spectacular jackasses out of themselves lately, although the Republicants have certainly held the lead.
It's not that I'm tired of doing this either. You can ask anyone who knows me; I love ranting at the morons of the world and have no fear or shame when it comes to doing so.
I am also a family man, with one child in his last year of living at home and another going through puberty - a spouse with a bad back and a new cat named appropriately after the bad guy from Mordor. All this while launching a new venture and trying my best to keep my musical mojo on track.
In short, I've been busy. Also in short, very little of what I say hasn't been said by other people - some smarter, some wiser, some funnier (although rarely all three). It's just that there isn't a conversation happening about these things. There's shouting on the right, an attempt at reasonableness on the left, and shouting is what is getting broadcast. The talking heads and villagers of Washington are so out of touch with reality that those of us living in the real world cannot even understand them anymore. David Brinkley you felt was one of us - even with his halting speech patterns and sly snobbish chuckle. The David Gregory Muppet? Not so much. The political media has become its own tribe, and like most tribes has become insular - and this is hurting us.
People like me are looked at as fringe, kooks, and somewhat batshit insane. Maybe so, but no less so than those with the 6 and 7-figure incomes attempting to tell us what to think.
There needs to be a new way to do this, and this has been pouring through my brain for weeks now. It needs to be eye-catching, ground-shattering, and something that will get people back and involved in the conversation. I'm pretty sure I know what that is, but I'm not so certain that I'm the right person to do it.
I need to think it through - so there may be gaps in my blogging. Go have a snack. I'll be back soon.
Cheap shots:
They don't want God in government - they want Christianity in government. given how much they actually distrust government, why aren't they afraid that government will screw it up and imperil their souls
A few days ago a Republicant congress-critter complained that people were shooting at them. Actually, it seems that they're only shooting at Democrats.
Speaking of Beck, when he left TV I sent him a brief e-mail thanking him for his efforts and signed it, "The Caliphate". I'm going to forward the same to this idiot.
And because I love you, The Kinks