Monday, April 4, 2011

Did you miss me?

Even I'm surprised that I took a week off. I just didn't have anything to say. Not that anyone is reading this much. Sadness.


So today Barack Obama announced that he is running for re-election. No real shock there. there doesn't seem to be anyone in the Republicant party who will run against him, but I expect that will change shortly. Tim Pawlenty released another one of his Michael Bay-produced commercials today, so eventually I expect him to run. Or take a job at Universal. Let me tell you right now, I'm going to vote for him and support his run.

Yeah, I've given Obama some grief in my writings. He's not liberal enough. He compromises before any expectation of compromise is sought. His rhetoric and his actions are sorely mismatched. But the alternative is so much worse. I'm not talking about the lesser of two evils, but the difference between a man who is trying what appears to be his best verses a selection of people whose sole intent in life seems to be to destroy the country.

They want to be rid of Medicare within a decade. And yet these are the people who claimed that Obamacare would take money from Medicare. They're fucking liars. They want us to take the war to Quadaffihoweveritsspelled in Libya. Quite frankly, I'd rather have a foreign policy that thinks more than 45 seconds ahead. They want to get rid of Planned parenthood. They want to get rid of Pell Grants. They want cuts to Social Security - none of these things are necessary or desirable, unless you're a mean fucker.

They also don't like trains much, which seems to point to unhappy childhoods. Growing up I didn't know anyone, of any political stripe, who didn't love trains.

For all the things I don't like about the Obama administration, he's still managed to get one hell of a lot done. It hasn't been quick or easy, but progress has been made, and we do not need or want it stopped or taken in another direction. The progress that has been made could be easily wiped out and if we keep Obama in place then we keep this erosion in check.

Cheap shots:

Who knew that murdering 11 people paid so well?

Our Speaker of Orange appears to be getting ready to channel an episode of West Wing.

Hey Terry, why don't you go do this in Afghanistan?

He's Batman! (Spoken in an Austrian accent)

The "M" of "Run DMC" gets his due. And so does one of the best rebounders in history.

And because I love you, Sisters of Mercy

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