Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Anyone who thinks the USA is #1 is lying, deluded, or poorly educated - like an American

Every year for the past decade an organization called Social Progress Imperative compiles data and statistics on a large number of factors to create an index of all the countries in the world, and their standard of living. It's an immense pool of data and I've spent a couple of weeks pouring through it.

Let's start with the conclusion - ranking countries. Here is the top 25:

1 Norway
2 Denmark
3 Finland
4 New Zealand
5 Sweden
6 Switzerland
7 Canada
8 Australia
9 Iceland
10 Netherlands
11 Germany
12 Ireland
13 Japan
14 Luxembourg
15 Austria
16 Belgium
17 Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
18 France
19 Spain
20 United Kingdom
21 Portugal
22 Slovenia
23 Italy
24 Estonia
25 Czechnia

Notice anything missing? The good old US of A. Continuing:

26 Cyprus
27 Greece
28 United States
29 Singapore
30 Malta

See that? Number 28. And I want to emphasize that the 2020 survey is BEFORE COVID-19

The US is going to fall much further down that list. We're currently listed as 29th in Health care.Belarus come out ahead of us.

When it comes to basic education, we're 43rd. Latvia, Croatia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia and CUBA are all ahead of us.

When it comes to inclusiveness, we're ranked 34th. There are 78 countries that have lower homicide rates than ours, and some of them are in the middle of wars. We are 39th in life expectancy, 

We do rank 2nd in Carbon Dioxide production. Only China produces more pollution than us.

Let me put in plainly. We suck.

Cheap Shots (Rum today):

A Firehose of lying. 

Come on now you forced-birthers. I fucking DARE you to defend this.

Vote the Assholes out. Why are certain people assuming this means them?

Dumping The Queen.

Luis Fonsi, not NWA.

But still, Fuck tha Police.

And because I love you, Big Head Todd and the Monsters with the best remake I've heard in years:

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