Monday, August 1, 2022

Radio Free California Episode 2230 - the COVID recovery episode

 So I missed a week doing this because I had COVID. Fortunately I'm vaxxed and double-boosted. It wasn't pleasant but I got through it. So here is a super long and eclectic episode - more than 4 hours of new music!

Double playlist because I had COVID. New music from Alan Parsons, Moule, Beach Bunny, Dawes, Ryan Adams, Death Cab for Cutie, Lobate Scarp, Beyonce, Creepy Nuts, The Linda Lindas and so much more. Enjoy!

Here is this week's playlist artists by twitter handle, unless otherwise noted:

@sammyhagar (and the circle)
@OzzyOsbourne featuring @tonyiommi
@scarypockets featuring @judesmithmusic
@JonBatiste with @PTXofficial and @Diane_Warren
floodmusic2112 (Instagram) with @genesisj_diaz
@BonnieLegion with @EthanolADDiKtz
Dutch Williams, @WilkinsImmanuel, @iplayvibes and Obed Calvaire
@stereosabbath with @SadierLae
@TRA_AMS with @soffieviemose (I think)
seanicholasavage (Instagram)
@koatstheband featuring @corywong
@pomplamoose with @SaraNiemietz
@scarypockets featuring @jennahbell
@thelindalindas (with a GREAT Go-Go's cover - I'm an original and die-hard Go-Go's fan)
@Soumyajit42 with @mrhatestheworld and Hano
@dannyelfman and @trent_reznor mixed by ghostemane (Instagram)
mikesanto.s (Instagram)
@Johnny_Marr mixed by Vince Clarke of @erasureinfo
@telefis1961 with Dean Hurley
tonyrochaofficial (Instagram)
Darkcave (I love his stuff, but I've never found good socials for him)

So I got COVID. I'm okay - I'm fully vaccinated and have had 2 boosters. I took Paxlovid for a week. I feel much better, although I'm still not 100%. It took over 2 1/2 years for it to catch me, and I've been careful. Well, we have contact tracing where I live, and we figured out how I caught it.

And it fucking makes me laugh.

I have a temper. No point in denying it, is there? You see it here in my rants all the time but I do my best to keep it out of my real life, but I'm not always successful. There's just so much to get angry about.

Just look in my Cheap Shots to see examples.

It's when stupid little things make me angry that I worry. The cat barfing in the kitchen (cats do that - don't become a cat owner if you can't handle that). Accidentally leaving something in the oven. Tripping on something left on the floor by one of the kids. Stupid shit.

So every once and a while I talk to a professional about it. Not regularly as I usually have it under control and quite frankly I can't afford it. Medical insurance in the U.S. is fucking awful when it comes to mental health, and the country is in the middle of a psychotic break.

Still, I was starting to let it all flow into my personal life and so I called my insurance's special helpline and got a new therapist to see. And you can already see it coming.

One of the things I get angry about easily these days is just how little we take the pandemic seriously. In July of this year, when I got sick, almost 3.7 MILLION Americans caught COVID. 12,000+ died. My new therapist sympathized. He really did.

And I fucking caught it from him.

Once I and my family are through all of this I will have a good laugh about it. I hope.

But I'm not going to see that therapist again. Fortunately, I'm not so angry now - COVID is pretty draining.

Cheap shots (Rum, Vaccine, take your pick):

Trump is a cunt. There. I said it.

Is it because of the McDonald's thing? No, Ted is too serious for that.

Cue the outrage from Motherfucker DeSantis.

In other words, a bully.

This fucking woman used to own a resturaunt (recently closed). I never saw the menu, and now I'm pretty sure I don't want to.

Death panels are a Republican thing. The fucking receipts.

Last seen fleeing Kabul on the back of a moped.

And because I love you, master guitarist Joe Pass doing everything your guitar heroes dream of doing, including a live fade out:

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