Monday, September 16, 2024

Radio Free California Episode 2438, radio station notes, cheap shots and more!


New music this week from Porches, The Linda Lindas, chokecherry, Thirteen Stones, Same Side, BBBL, Future Islands, Chris Reed and the Anime Raiders,  Binoy, Coast Arcade, The Jesus Lizard, LL Cool J with Eminem and much more. Enjoy!


Thirteen Senses is a band from Cornwall, England, that had a minor hit in the mid 2000's with a song called "Into the Fire", which got featured on a number of TV shows in the US back in the day. They're a pretty straight-ahead alt-pop band but they're swinging for the fences with their first album in 10 years, "The Bound and the Infinite". The first track on the album is 11 1/2 minutes long but is still an al-pop song, while the rest of the album features songs of more traditional lengths and sgtructures. I was sorely tempted to add that long song to the radio station rotation. Instead, I'm going to feature the album as my selection for The Album Show.

Also out this week are new albums from Porches ("Shirt"), Starflyer59, ("Lust for Gold"), Binoy ("The Great Alone", which nearly became my pick for the show, BBBL's new album "first contact" which already has multiple singles playing at Radio California, Same Side's "Oh No" is also worth your time, as it the new live album from Theo Katzman called "Live From the Other Side".

The Album Show plays on Thursdays at 9am and 9pm Pacific Standard Time.

RFC 2438

For those of you who stay away from Spotify the current week's additions will be played on Wednesdays. This is a change from prior programming: what we're going to do going forward is just play the music added this week only. Every other day will be the usual rotation, but we set aside Wednesdays for just the new additions for the week. This week that's 55 songs which we will play in the same order that they're in on the Spotify playlist of the same name up at the top of this post. So if you tune in at just about any time on Wednesday you will hear the whole playlist. 

10 at 10

One last programming note: Every Saturday at 10pm and again on Sunday at 10am and 10pm we will feature our show "10 at 10", where we play 10 (and sometimes 11 or even 12!) songs from a year we pick at random. Again, all times are PST. Last week I played a group of songs from 1978, and this week we're going to pick another year we haven't gone to yet - even further in the past.

As always, you can go to to listen to the station, and there is an imbed below. And did you know the station is available as an app? It's only for Google Play (sorry iphone users - Apples terms and conditions were too restrictive for me) but you can listen on your phone at your convenience too.

Cheap shots:

Maybe it was the concept of a shooting.

Speaking of melted Bratz dolls, who's cock is she sucking these days? Just askin'.

"That Krakatau of volcanic, incoherent, fact-free bombast."

Moderate my ass.

Maybe you're just a lyin' sunbitch that got caught, and it's freaking you out.

Can we at least agree that some people just shouldn't own a gun?

Love the enthusiasm, but please don't count chickens before they hatch.

Someone's not taking their ass-kicking very well.

Proof that the half-melted Bratz doll at his side is only the latest in the wierd here.

Or, and hear me out here, you can try to pass laws that help you win after you've already lost.

And because I love you, LL Cool J (with Eminem) reminds us all just how good he is:

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