Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Screw the new normal

If there is one phrase I'm coming to really despise it's the phrase "The New Normal". Every time something happens that forces us to adjust our current thinking, no matter how temporarily, becomes "the new normal". we've done it so much with the good stuff that we do with with equal regularity with the bad stuff. It's got to stop.

You never really heard the phrase before 9/11. But then the powers that be decided that in order to get their agenda passed we needed to be scared all the time. Being terrorized became the new normal.

Having soldiers fighting wars somewhere in the world became the new normal.

We have long running television shows about soldiers overseas, how they are supported at home to help us adjust to the new normal. The fact that a couple of them are actually quite good propels the new normal.

And we relaxed. We got a decent president after Bush II, and we got complacent while people who crave power put together new plans for the next new normal.

Then Trump arrived on the scene, taking everyone by surprise - if you look back at what Republicans were saying about him before he started slurping up delegates you'd see that they hated the guy. But this is the guy they got, so they adjusted to this new normal, to get their agenda across. Who cares if he's an Adderall-addicted, Racist, Misogynistic, Philandering, Spray Tan-wearing bully with a 6th grade vocabulary and a 2nd grade temper? This is the new normal!

And now?

Dismantling the infrastructure? New Normal!

No ambassadors and foreign service? New Normal!

Fire the disaster response teams? New Normal!

The man who calls himself President using every resource he can find to line his own pockets? New Normal!

The acceptance that the leader of our country lies so much that we just laugh it off? New Normal!

He appoints his son-in-law, a failed real estate developer, to broker Middle East peace, Oil deals, and now solve the health crisis? New Normal!

A President that can't get his appointees approved so he ignores the law and appoints people in an "acting capacity"? New Normal!

The fact that we now have to shelter in place to avoid one of the deadliest disease outbreaks to hit the U.S. in the Digital Age? New Normal!


I am sick and tired of people, news media, and just about anyone acting as if any of this horseshit is anywhere close to normal. We live in amazing, extraordinary, frightening, and quite frankly surreal times. For the first time the U.S. is run by an obvious liar, a bully, a creep, and a man with no experience who shouldn't be put in charge of the beauty contest he used to own, let alone the largest economy and government in the history of the planet. He is a man who has demonstrated over and over again that he has no interest in actually doing the job he was elected to do, and neither do any of the people he has appointed to positions of power.

And he is being enabled by people who are getting their way because they know how to kiss his ass and flatter him, even when they were calling him a lying son of a bitch just a couple of years ago, because they are getting what they want - and what they want is to destroy the government and run things their way - which bears little resemblance to the Constitution of the U.S., no matter who often they claim otherwise. We shouldn't put people who hate government in charge of it, because we absolutely need it - but this is also the New Normal.

We need to acknowledge that this all isn't normal. That this is strange, bizarre, and terrifying. We won't heal until we do so, and boy oh boy do we need to recover from some pretty serious damage done to us.

Before Recovery mode becomes the new normal.

Cheap Shots: Your'e supposed to drink beer today but fuck it. Drink what you want.

Do you suppose that Trump put The Jared in charge of the COVID-19 response because his family is getting rich off of it, and will be supplying the tests?

Please people, let's not kill an entire generation of comedy legends.

Social Distance Voting.

He calls for meetings in groups no greater than 10 people, while among a group of 16 people. The picture keeps changing, so you may have to hunt it down.

Nobody could have predicted this? You fucking liars.

Socialists! (Seriously, did Yang join the White House?)

Really? Really? Really?

Packing the courts.

Pokemon don't go.

Maybe he had a Come to Jesus moment.

These people are monsters.

How to play that chord.

And because I love you, the reaction of a man hearing Queen's "Fat Bottomed Girls" for the first time:

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