Wednesday, May 12, 2021


I shouldn't have to say this, but apparently I do - for some of you. The #fraudit happening in #Arizona right now has nothing to do with getting the Orange Grimmace back in office. There is NO MECHANISM to overturn the election. It's done. Over. Nothing matters once it's been certified and it's been certified multiple times. There are no take-backs, no do-overs. It's done.

Trump will not be president again because of any recounts, or anything being overturned. He cannot become president until 2025 at the absolute earliest, and certainly not even then. That's not what this is all about. The GQP does NOT want that man back.

I don't care what any of these fuckers say - they do NOT want him back. They are lying. Every single one of the fuckers. All of them. ALL OF THEM.

What they DO want is to keep passing these "election fraud" laws in as many places as possible, to keep active participation (voting) as low as possible, because it greatly increases the odds of them winning elections - because lord knows they can't do it on policy. So they longer everyone keeps screaming "fraud" in a crowded legislature the more likely they'll be able to suppress more and more voters.

That's what they want. I promise you, they' rather that Trump was off the map, and preferably in prison, just as much as we do. Anyone who says otherwise is a fucking liar. You can tell them I said so.

Congresswoman Liz Cheney voted with Trump 96% of the time. The woman who is about to replace her 78% of the time. But Cheney is out from the leadership because she keeps pointing out that there was no fraud - that the American System WORKED. The Republican Party simply LOST. I don't much like Ms. Cheney, but I've never thought she was fake. She's not. She's just not working the play the same way everyone else is.

The goal is to suppress the vote. Not to put Trump back in office. The only person who wants that is Trump.

And again, there is no mechanism to make that happen. Read the Constitution yourself - see if you can find even a single word about overturning an election. Biden can be thrown out, but he'd be replaced by Harris. Harris can also be thrown out, but she'd be replaced by Pelosi. THAT'S ALL IN THE CONSTITUTION. (And say what you want about her but Pelosi won her election and no one disputes that).

So the #fraudit in Arizona, which is supposed to end this week BY LAW, is now going to be extended for months. Not to put Trump back in office: if that was the goal they'd move as fast as humanly possible. The goal is to suppress votes, and keep the issue alive long enough to pass in more state legislatures.

It's not about putting Trump in office. It's about keeping YOU from voting next time.

So how do you beat this? Simple. Whatever happens in the state you live in, find out the rules. Prepare for it. Be ready to vote and kick their cock-sucking motherfucking asses the fuck out of there.

Educate yourself.

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