Monday, September 20, 2021

Radio Free California Episode 2139 - Modern Scars


Not gonna lie, this is an eclectic one. Some established artists, some new, a piece of a punk opera, several instrumentals, two tracks I sing backing vocals on, some orchestral work, a spiritual (sort of), some swearing, some EDM and much more. Enjoy!

Here is this week's list of artists, Twitter handles unless otherwise noted:

@KSulton (I sing 4 notes on this song, along with a multitude of others!)
@codyfry (I sing tenor and bass parts as part of the Lonely People International Choir)
@BobbyLeeBoogie with @Mia_Doi_Todd
Rijell (no socials that I could find)
@JasonIsbell and the 400 Unit with @johnpaulwhite
@JOANPOLICEWOMAN with @t_allenafrobeat and @dave_okumu_
damienjuradomusic (Instagram)


Believe it or not, I'm old enough to remember Vietnam. I was just a kid, but I had neighbors who had been there. A couple of them were pretty messed up by the experience. Hell, we as a nation were pretty messed up by the experience.

For those of you too young to remember the experience, just take a look at the movies of the time and for nearly two decades after. It was a military failure, and over 52,000 Americans died in the experience.Hundreds of thousands came home scarred, and faced the additional issues of being called baby killers and worse. It took time before we as a nation could separate the soldiers from the mission - something we're much better at now.

I knew a man who lost a leg in Vietnam who would tell people that he lost the leg in a car accident - just so they wouldn't know he was a soldier.

We as a nation were scarred. I'm not sure we ever recovered.

Which now brings me to COVID-19, and what we're facing now.

The death rate from COVID is ELEVEN TIMES what Vietnam was. Nearly 73% more people have died from COVID in under 2 years than have been buried at Arlington in over 150 years.

Do you honestly believe we're not going to be scarred by this?

I am no expert in psychology, but I remember the scars of Vietnam. I remember the scars of 9/11. Neither of these tragedies were of the scale and scope of this Pandemic, and what's so much worse is that this time actual science and medicine have been politicized and weaponized. The fight against a medical disease has good guys and bad guys. Where does that make any fucking sense?

It is where we are. The country was ruled for 4 years by someone with the expressive ability and cognitive skills of a toddler and so the fight has been reduced to that. "Who's the good guys? Who's the bad guys?"

No, god fucking damn it! This isn't good versus evil but it's being expressed this way. 

We have gone to war with ourselves and not with the disease that's killed so many people and I'm not sure that we CAN recover from this. We've taken medical treatment and turned it into a political fight and for that the people who have made it so should be damned for all time.

So how are we going to deal with it?

If past is prologue... probably quite badly.

Cheap shots, because you're probably not drinking enough:

It's all in the timing.

Maybe they should claim they're just passing through trying to get to Canada?

Latest right-wing freakout in 3... 2... 

Yes, Tucker Carlson is a fucking criminal.

And then out of time.

Chris Rock getting COVID shows that people can't tell the difference between comedy and reality, and that you should never look at a "trend" on twitter.

This is how a movement falls apart

One step, in not yet enough steps taken.

"Let me explain to you again, Peter, how our process works."

The President of Brazil has to fucking eat outside

And because I love you, here is the score video for one of the tracks I'm on:

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