Monday, August 10, 2015

God's wrath...

Two separate stories. In one, Pat Robertson preaches from high upon the mount that God will strike us down because Target has decided to make their toy aisles gender neutral. In another former congresscritter Michelle Bachman says we should be grateful that we live in "End Times" that has been ushered in by the Obama Administration's attempt to keep Iran from getting a nuclear arsenal.

Funny how the Pope isn't running with these stories. Funny how the last two Popes didn't either.

I always worry about these people who talk about God's Wrath. I have to wonder about the sanity of people who by their own free will worship a god that would bring plagues and hellfire upon the nation because some beleaguered father's daughter wants to play with Optimus Prime. Seems like kind of a dick to me.

I also tend to worry about people who define the passages in the bible to fit their own world-view, instead of the other way around. Apparently Ms. Bachman knows more about the signs of the apocalypse than the leaders of nearly every denomination of every religion on the planet.

You know what gets referred to as "God's Wrath" more than any other single thing in The United States? Tornadoes. Do you know where the most tornadoes hit? In those regions that are the most "God Fearing" in the country. (I also don't like that phrase, "God Fearing" - why should I want to worship anyone or anything I should be scared of? That sounds kind of tribal and barbaric to me). Given where the tornadoes tend to strike does that mean God is trying to get these people to relax by showing his wrath? That he wants to punish the people who hold Pat Robertson in such high esteem?

Or is it because we people in the Atheist Hellholes (I live in San Francisco) don't get them because God isn't concerned with the non-believers? I don't believe, so his wrath can do nothing to me?

Or is it because I understand meteorology and science to some degree and can tell the types of weather some places get and choose not to live there?

Hell, I don't know. Well, I have strong opinions and I think you can figure them out. At the top of the list is the idea that some people seem so concerned about the next life that they don't spend much time living in this one and I can't imagine any deity that wouldn't be disappointed by that.

Cheap Shots (Rum today!):

This should be required viewing in every middle and high school in the country:

No exceptions! Except...

You know, I don't fucking understand why people don't get that the whole thing about #BlackLivesMatter is to say #PleaseStopKillingUs!

Oh, and of all the stupid ways you could respond, this is probably the most fucking stupid of them all.

So what does the Pope care about? THIS.

I think Bernie had a good day. A very good day.

The fuck you say! Oh, never mind. It's just Side-Boob Central.

Why is a functioning and occasional big government a good thing? This is why. Today this would get through.

"High up in a tower, there lived a group of powerful wizards known only as the Strategic Properties Marketing and Revenue Department."

Some Total Farker is running for Governor of Kentucky.

And now Laura Ingalls is running for Congress. Is Rod Serling hiding in the damned bushes?

Busted! (And 6 points from Gryffindor for the question about permits from the first commenter - as if protesting should need a permit).

If you're a drone owner who does this sort of thing don't blame the increased use of drones in our society. You're just an asshole.

I have to wonder if Spy Magazine will be coming back.

And finally a moment of Zen:

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