Tuesday, August 25, 2015

This is why Voter ID is a stupid fucking idea.

The state of Alabama has 44 DMV offices. That’s not great, but it’s not bad either in a state whose geographical size is about 1/3 that of California, which has 179 DMV offices. However, by March of 2016 Alabama will be cutting the number of DMV offices they have to 4. FOUR. Imagine living in San Diego and having to go to Los Angeles to see the DMV. This is what’s about to happen in Alabama.

This is terrible, but it’s much worse than you think. You see in the state of Alabama you have to present a valid state photo ID in order to vote. A driver’s license or state ID. Without it, you can’t vote. They passed this law in 2011 and since this time voter turnout has fallen from 57% to 41%. This is a state where 27% of the population live at a poverty level so low that it’s already difficult to deal with the extra hassle of a proper ID and to now have to travel half the state to make it happen? A lot fewer people are going to vote.

I have said from the very beginning that every time a person says that the point of having this kind of ID to vote is to prevent voter fraud that they are lying. They are. It’s about making fewer people vote. The fact is that voter fraud in this country is extremely low and when compared to the numbers of people getting disenfranchised by these steps voter fraud is dramatically, even hilariously outmatched. In Alabama that’s 4 cases of voter “irregularity” that may not even be fraud (investigations still underway) versus 187,000 voters who lost the ability to vote.

I don’t even think the greatest Alabama Crimson Tide fans are going to stick with a game where the score is 187,000 to 4. Hell – would you want to watch a game where the score was 187 to 4?

Okay, there are going to be a few, but at some point you have to start saying “let them score a couple points” if you’re actually a sports fan and not a partisan of a single team.

And there it is – this system has been set up by partisans on a single team. There isn’t a single Voter ID law that has been put in place by Democrats; they’ve all been done by Republicans, and they’re hoping that this 187,000 to 4 advantage they’ve given themselves will be enough, because lord knows that their policies aren’t doing it.

Cheap Shots:

I’m going to use this pun from now on when referring to Trump: Unqualified Success.

Okay Bill’O, I’m calling you out on it. Personally, I think you’re fucking lying – because I just don’t see you giving up being rich.

A list of Anchor Babies. Or as one commenter put it, “Welp, everyone back on the Mayflower!”

Shorter Jeb! – Make me a sammich, bitches!

“My word – he’s just… just… offensive!”

Détente, predictably, breaks down.

I wonder if he’s going to wear his black villain cape – you remember it don’t you? He wore it on his last day in office.

What fucking idiots. Sometimes I think they should carry signs that read “All I ever learned about cooperation I learned from The Borg.”

Just when you think the story can’t get any worse, it does.

And now a moment of Zen:

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