Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Saying goodbye to Facebook - sort of

So I quit Facebook yesterday. Not social media, just Facebook. It's like a weight has been lifted from me.

Here's the post (if you've already seen it on Facebook - go ahead and scroll past):

You know what? I’m done. Bye.
Seriously. I’ve had enough of social media. I came to the realization today that I’ve been on Facebook for 9 years and that’s time that is never coming back. No more. I’m done.
Oh, I’m not going silent, mind you. You will still see posts from me. I’m still going to link to things and speak my mind. I’m going to swear. But the interaction with others doesn’t interest me. I don’t want to play that game you keep telling me about. I can find good recipes on my own. I’d rather be surprised by a movie than know all the plot points before hand. I have books to read – I’m way behind. I will still listen to your music. I will still read your comics. But I’m going to stop pretending we know one another (with a couple of exceptions – you know who you are). Instead of talking politics, I’m going to be DOING them. If I punch a Nazi, it will be literal – not figurative.
If you’re a fan of my work, either in comics/writing or music, those pages will go on – shameless self-promotion will continue. Messenger will still work (can’t get rid of the damned thing). I’m on Tumblr, Twitter, Soundcloud, and all the rest, always as Animeraider. You can find me there, but I’m freaking DONE with Facebook. All posts you see from this point forward will just be me ranting. Answer me or don’t. I do not care. I will not be responding. This place is a creative sinkhole and a drain on my time and energy, and it’s time for me to cut the cord.
I probably won’t enjoy it at first, but this is the plan.
If you are actual family or a friend, you know how to find me. If you don’t, you know who to ask. I will always be accessible to you and you can always reach me. If you are part of the community that has welcomed me over the years, either as a cartoonist or as a musician or even as a decent human being (albeit one who cusses a lot) – you have my love and my thanks. You’ve all been great. I have just found that I cannot be creative and be here at the same time.
So that’s it.
Here is a listing of places I can be found:
Twitter - @Animeraider (I don’t use this very often)
Tumblr – Animeraider (I mostly post comics here)
YouTube – (posts here will increase in frequency)
iTunes, Amazon, and just about any streaming music service – request either Jim Christopher (1990-1997) or Chris Reed and the Anime Raiders (2001-Present)
What The Frack is Wrong With You? –
The Abraham Project –
The 20th Life of Corbin Dodge –
Cartooning Patreon –
Music Patreon – this is actually down right now. It will come back.
Ello (not here very much, to tell the truth) – @animeraider
Creepy KOFY Movie Time – Psychotropic Theater!
Jcafe24 - Animeraider
Real Life – By the Beach, for now, in San Francisco, or at Edge of the World Studios.

I have an album to finish. It’s my best work yet and I want you all to hear it. I’ll let you know when it’s done, and maybe drop a preview or two along the way.


My regular ranting will return here. In the mean time, pull up a barstool and allow me to pour you some...

Cheap Shots!

It's called "CHEATING" you dumb fucks.

Maybe we should change the name of Stockholm Syndrome to America Syndrome.

Why, it's almost as if Trump is DOING the crap you kept accusing Obama of doing!

Presidents kill people. It's part of the job. Sometimes it's heroic, like when Obama killed Osama bin Laden. But after one week in office Trump has killed two Americans (an 8 year-old girl and a member of Seal Team 6) and a 75 year-old Legal Immigrant (Green card and all) left stranded in Iraq. And more deaths are coming.

And then it turns out that the story about the 75 year-old might not be true. Seriously people, don't fuck this up. Every one of these erases 5,000 true stories in their minds.

There was only one rose left, and it was given to a man who believes in cutting off Planned Parenthood, and was part of the decision to allow Hobby Lobby to discriminate - even writing his own opinion because he thought the court didn't go far enough.

Oh, regarding that 8 year-old girl? If she was intentionally targeted (as Trump campaigned that he would do) the Hague can arrest him for war crimes should he set foot in Europe.

Wow. I need a break. Do you need a break? Here then.

While we're waiting for the next shot, here is the recipe for a Tom Collins (I prefer it without the cherry):

In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine the gin, lemon juice, and sugar. Shake well. Strain into a collins glass almost filled with ice cubes. Add the club soda. Stir and garnish with the cherry and the orange. Many people use simple syrup instead of sugar. If your bartender asks "Gin or Vodka" get a new bar to hang out in - your bartender doesn't know what he's doing.
It's like none of these people have seen Frost Nixon.
A reporter with standing!
A "Majority of One" walks away.
I'm almost afraid to apply for my new passport at this point.
And now, a few words from the best Vice President EVAR. Oh, and his much smarter wife:

Why? Because he filed for re-election 5 hours after being sworn in.
It would appear that the theme music for this run of The East Wing will be John Cage's 4'33"
If you've made it this far here's a reward. A comic strip you should be reading called Inside Out.
And because I love you, and most likely you've never even seen them, here is Redbone:

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