Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Approaching 50

So my little brother has now made 49 trips around the sun. He’s a good man, with 5 children ranging in age from quite young to just discharged from the military. He loves his family with a passion you should envy.

We’re quite different, my brother and I. His political leanings are to the right while mine are to the left. He’s Catholic while I’m an Atheist. He’s considerably taller and thinner than I am. I have long, thick hair and he’s bald. He’s very extrovert and I’m a bit of the opposite (although I certainly do have my moments). He makes friends easily while I do not. He drinks beer while I drink Gin.

We’re also very much alike. Despite our appearances we both look like our father. We’re both passionate defenders of every member of our family. Even when we don’t see each other for months or even years, we love one another and that isn’t questioned. Ever. We both believe that a person has the right to be whatever they aspire to be – when my older daughter came out my brother was one of the first to speak up and support her. We’re both musicians. We both like to laugh and have similar senses of humor. We both believe that there is an underlying truth in humor and love, and that the search for it is its own reward.

Because of conflicting schedules and just he ravages of being broke all the time I haven’t seen him in a few years, although we talk all the time. He’s had a child since then and I have yet to meet him. I know however that he’s in good hands and that we love him – because I know my brother.

Happy birthday little bro. You’ve earned it.

In honor of my brother’s birthday, we’re drinking beer today for our Cheap Shots:

Y’all need to remember that this man is a comedian. That said, #adderall is trending on twitter now.

Ben Carson is in charge of releasing aid to Puerto Rico? The sleepiest man in government? Well, that explains a lot.

Trump sez, “All is well”.

I really wanted this woman to run for President.

There really seems to be some confusion in Washington D.C. about what “Constitutional” means – mostly coming from people who have sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution.

And Because I love you, Climax Blues Band. Yes, they're still around and released a bluesy rock album in 2018.

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