Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Surprises in unexpected places.

Yesterday I discovered that a place called Waverly Café in Nashville, Tennessee, has been playing my song “Jennifer” in fairly heavy rotation. I looked them up and sent a note of thanks on their Facebook page. Feel free to look them up and if you’re in the area, check them out.

To this day, after 30 plus years in the professional recording artist business, it’s still a thrill to discover that I have fans out there, and that my music gets played. I’ve never really flirted with stardom although it has flirted with me once or twice, so to hear that my work is being recognized is wonderful.

It was nice to think about that instead of the shit show going on in Washington DC.

Senators Murkowski of Alaska and Romney of Alaska both stated to the press that they wanted to hear witnesses and have a fair impeachment trial. Senator Collins of Maine also gave that idea lip service, even though she has a terrible record of following through with such promises. I mention this because this meant a possible 50-50 tie on motions. Unfortunately, it was all talk. Every vote save one was 53-47 in favor of McConnel’s fake trial. The one that was 52-48 was a motion to give the House managers more time to respond to any motions made prior to the start of the trial, should they be made in writing between last night’s adjournment and this morning’s start. Collins, of all people was the vote that moved.

Turns out to have not mattered as no motions were filed. I’d bet that Collins knew that and that the vote was designed to make her look better at home.  Shame on Murkowski and Romney for caving in. Shame on Collins too. I really wanted a 50-50 tie. It would have forced Justice Roberts to rule on the motions, as for once Mike Pence cannot break the tie – as he’s not a Senator.

In the meantime the man on trial was at the Davos conference, slurring his words and barely able to keep up with a teleprompter, and bragging to the press that he has withheld material that the House of Representatives subpoenaed.

It will get voted down, but I honestly hope that the House Managers ask for Trump himself to testify. He won’t of course, and like I said, the motion will be voted down, but the next 24 hours of Trump’s twitter account will be fascinating.

My older daughter has been watching the process live. I’d like to, but I have a day job so I can only get the highlights. I remember well the Nixon hearings but this is a whole new level of strange. At one point my daughter said to me, “Cipollone (the defense lawyer) is either going to stroke out or punch somebody; he’s so mad.” My personal opinion is that Trump just wanted TV lawyers.

E not going to decide on witnesses until both sides have taken three days (at 12 hours each) to present their cases. That’s just weird. We’re going to get 3 days of facts, followed by 3 days of conspiracies and other bullshit, and then a vote on calling witnesses. No trial ever works like that, not even any previous impeachment trial – of which there have been a few.

I gotta admit though, the House Managers were ready for it. So far, they’ve done an excellent job spelling out the case. Hang on to your butts, people.

My wife keeps asking if Trump has dirt on McConnell or on enough of the rest of the Senators in his party to make this happen the way it is, but I have another theory. I used to believe that the Republican party as it exists now would like to be rid of Trump and have Pence be President. He’d do all of the same terrible shit that Trump does while looking reasonable. He’d also push the Christian Agenda even harder than Trump does, which they want. Thing is, Pence could never win an election on a national scale. He’s just not charismatic and in this age a President needs that. The more charismatic man has won the Presidency every single time since 1976. They’re backing Trump because he’s the only option they’ve got. They’ve backed themselves into this corner and crave power so much that all decency has gone out the window. They’ve made themselves into this.

I don’t know who the Democrats are going to wind up with as the nominee, but it needs to be someone that can smack down Trump like the bully he is.

Cheap Shots, and it’s Wednesday Gin day!

While we’re on the subject, where are the fainting couches and smelling salts?

Should we be happy or sad that Greta Thunberg isn’t our child?

Who knew that Geraldo was this funny?

Are you British? No? Then shut the fuck up.

Take your hat off. I didn’t even know he was sick! (Drink an extra shot if you get the reference!)

And because I love you, the late great Terry Jones, Crunchy Frog (Rana Croccante) 

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