Monday, January 24, 2011

Pondering a revival

I've been looking for something to write about for today and haven't had a whole lot of luck finding inspiration. I suppose that's one reason I don't do this professionally. From the return of the Macaca Man to the death of Jack LaLanne - a lot has happened today but nothing has really struck a chord with me as something to bitch about. My best shot was taken by another blogger, whom I will summarize by simply stating that if everything is on the table, what about tax increases?

Although I am thinking of reviving Countdown's Worts Person in the world segment here.

So for today I'm just going to give you a small scatterring of…

Cheap shots:

Michelle Bachmann is going to run for President? BWAHHAHAHAAHAAHHHHAHAHHHAHAAHHH!

But drafting Keith Olbermann to run for the Senate in connecticut is also dumb, if for no other reason than that he's a lifelong Yankee's fan.

Rahming speed just crashed.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - Clarence Thomas has no business serving on the United States Supreme Court. Screw the Anita Hill thing - he's just a terrible jurist.

Actually, virtually no one wants the health care act repealed.

And because I love you, the cast of American Idiot. Oh, and Green Day too.

1 comment:

  1. I read about the Clarence Thomas BREACH OF ETHICS yesterday. Seriously can't he even just show a little bit of propriety? Disclose and then say you don't think there's a conflict of interest. There's two sides to that issue, I can respect that. But to not even disclose? Talk about losing what potentially little respect there may have left.
