Monday, February 14, 2011


So, Obama puts forth $1 Trillion in budget cuts, same as the Republicants. And suddenly the Republicants are saying that their $1 Trillion is worth more than Obama's. Why? Because it's white?

Personally, I don't think much of budget cuts at all. We should be spending more money on infrastructure and just about everything else. I don't see any other way that jobs come back. alas, Obama doesn't seem to have much of a spine when it comes to taking the fight to his opposition. Sure, he talks a good fight and got a lot of good done, but he could have done so much more and that disappoints me. I worry more often than not that we're the Roman Empire during the time of Claudius (we just barely survived Caligula) and unless something great happens, Nero comes next.

But I'm more pissed off about one thing above all else. When The Republicants say something, it's because they want to "restore our country". When Obama says virtually the same thing, it's not good enough or "shows a lack of leadership". I'm calling you fuckers out right now. You're just about the worst kind of racists that there is - ones who publicly aren't aware of it. I have never in my entire life seen so many people go out of their way to try to find ways to say "nigger" without actually saying it.

Fuck all y'all.

Cheap shots:

Good for you Shirley. Sue his ass into the ground. He's obviously scared of you.

If you can't afford any cocaine, try this instead.

Speaking of Nero, he's already running the show in Wisconsin.

Perhaps she's intentionally this stupid.

As I have said before, I'm no fan of Anderson Cooper. But this smacks of jealousy more than anything else.

Methinks he isn't getting out of the starting gate.

To all the Justin Beiber fans out there who think your mop-top wuz robbed, I should point out that until last night, Iron Maiden had never won either.

Trying to truly understand the gap between 400 people who have never heard of you and the rest of us.

It pains me he was right about anything, but Trump was right about it. But then again, Congressman Paul isn't wrong either.

Our Soldier of Orange believes that Americans have the right to be stupid and/or wrong. And that pretty much clarifies his whole philosophy.

Arab is sexy and cool!

Someone at Dailykos did some heavy lifting about CPAC. Enjoy.

I'm not saying that all of the minutemen border-patrolling bigots are murderers, but one of their leaders is. Convicted, bitch.

Next? (I kind of doubt it, but what the hell).

Jebmentum? Not so much.

And because I love you, Edmar Castaneda

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